Provides insight about the feeders around your Elasticsearch cluster.
- Overview of feeders
- Animated status indication per river
- Elasticsearch JDBC
mvn install exec:java
This will start Elasticsearch on http://localhost:9200. You can access the plugin by going to http://localhost:9200/_plugin/feederstatus.
To build a ZIP file that can be installed to Elasticearch:
mvn package
The ZIP file can be found in <project home>/target/releases
This plugin is currently in development, no official releases have been published yet. If you would like to install the plugin manually, you can do so by getting the build release package (see Build release) and run the following command from within your Elasticsearch folder:
./bin/plugin -u file:///path/to/ -i elasticsearch-feederstatus
or use the latest snapshot build from GitHub (change URL to specific build version):
./bin/plugin -u <URL> -i elasticsearch-feederstatus
For example:
./bin/plugin -u -i elasticsearch-feederstatus