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Constructing a Standard Invoice
Khadija Karkhanawala edited this page Dec 14, 2023
7 revisions
For simplified invoices(B2C), you need to sign and create the QR-code yourself. For standard invoices (B2B), you use ZATCA's clearance API which signs and adds the QR Code for you.
Using the clearance API also counts as reporting the invoice, so you don't need to do anything else from ZATCA's side.
They'll return a Base64-encoded XML e-invoice that's signed and also has a QR Code.
In this guide we'll create and upload an invoice and parse the QR code ZATCA gives us back so we can render it.
# 1. Setup the Invoice Values
invoice_id = "SME00010"
invoice_uuid = "8e6000cf-1a98-4174-b3e7-b5d5954bc10d"
note = "ABC"
note_language_id = "ar"
issue_date = "2022-08-17"
issue_time = "17:41:08"
invoice_subtype = ZATCA::UBL::InvoiceSubtypeBuilder.build(
simplified: false,
third_party: false,
nominal: false,
exports: false,
summary: false,
self_billed: false
) # => "0100000"
payment_means_code = ZATCA::UBL::Invoice::PAYMENT_MEANS[:bank_card] # => "48"
invoice_type = ZATCA::UBL::Invoice::TYPES[:invoice] # => "388"
invoice_counter_value = "10"
previous_invoice_hash = "NWZlY2ViNjZmZmM4NmYzOGQ5NTI3ODZjNmQ2OTZjNzljMmRiYzIzOWRkNGU5MWI0NjcyOWQ3M2EyN2ZiNTdlOQ=="
currency_code = "SAR"
vat_registration_number = "311111111101113"
# 2. Setup the Invoice's Nested Properties
# Create the supplier party (the party issuing the invoice, e.g. the seller)
accounting_supplier_party = ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::Party.new(
party_identification: ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::PartyIdentification.new(
id: "324223432432432"
postal_address: ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::PostalAddress.new(
street_name: "الامير سلطان",
additional_street_name: nil,
building_number: "3242",
plot_identification: "4323",
city_subdivision_name: "32423423",
city_name: "الرياض | Riyadh",
postal_zone: "32432",
country_subentity: nil,
country_identification_code: "SA"
party_tax_scheme: ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::PartyTaxScheme.new(
company_id: vat_registration_number
party_legal_entity: ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::PartyLegalEntity.new(
registration_name: "Acme Widgets LTD"
# Create the customer party (the party receiving the invoice, e.g. the buyer)
accounting_customer_party = ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::Party.new(
# party_identification: ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::PartyIdentification.new(
# id: "2345",
# scheme_id: "NAT"
# ),
party_identification: nil,
postal_address: ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::PostalAddress.new(
street_name: nil,
additional_street_name: nil,
building_number: nil,
plot_identification: nil,
city_subdivision_name: "32423423",
city_name: nil,
postal_zone: nil,
country_subentity: nil,
country_identification_code: "SA"
party_tax_scheme: ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::PartyTaxScheme.new,
party_legal_entity: nil
# Create the (optional) delivery object (detailing the delivery date and time)
# delivery = ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::Delivery.new(
# actual_delivery_date: "2022-03-13",
# latest_delivery_date: "2022-03-15"
# )
delivery = nil
# Create the allowance charges (e.g. discounts) for the invoice
allowance_charges = [
charge_indicator: false,
amount: "0.00",
allowance_charge_reason: "discount",
currency_id: "SAR",
tax_categories: [
# Yes, ZATCA's official valid sample duplicates these, not sure why
tax_percent: "15"
tax_percent: "15"
# Create the tax totals for the invoice
# ZATCA's official valid sample has two of these, not sure why
tax_totals = [
tax_amount: "30.15"
tax_amount: "30.15",
tax_subtotal_amount: "30.15",
taxable_amount: "201.00",
tax_category: ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::TaxCategory.new(
tax_percent: "15.00"
# Create the legal monetary total for the invoice
legal_monetary_total = ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::LegalMonetaryTotal.new(
line_extension_amount: "201.00",
tax_exclusive_amount: "201.00",
tax_inclusive_amount: "231.15",
allowance_total_amount: "0.00",
prepaid_amount: "0.00",
payable_amount: "231.15"
# Create the invoice lines for the invoice (the list of items that were sold)
invoice_lines = [
# Book
invoiced_quantity: "33.000000",
invoiced_quantity_unit_code: "PCE",
line_extension_amount: "99.00",
tax_total: ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::TaxTotal.new(
tax_amount: "14.85",
rounding_amount: "113.85"
item: ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::Item.new(
name: "كتاب"
price: ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::Price.new(
price_amount: "3.00",
allowance_charge: ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::AllowanceCharge.new(
charge_indicator: false,
allowance_charge_reason: "discount",
amount: "0.00",
add_tax_category: false,
# ZATCA's samples can sometimes have a nested tax scheme with an ID
# and sometimes they omit it. Setting this boolean controls whether it is
# present or not
add_id: false
# Pen
invoiced_quantity: "3.000000",
invoiced_quantity_unit_code: "PCE",
line_extension_amount: "102.00",
tax_total: ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::TaxTotal.new(
tax_amount: "15.30",
rounding_amount: "117.30"
item: ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::Item.new(
name: "قلم"
price: ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::Price.new(
price_amount: "34.00",
allowance_charge: ZATCA::UBL::CommonAggregateComponents::AllowanceCharge.new(
charge_indicator: false,
allowance_charge_reason: "discount",
amount: "0.00",
add_tax_category: false,
add_id: false
# 3. Construct the Invoice
# Construct the invoice using all of the above
invoice = ZATCA::UBL::Invoice.new(
add_ids_to_allowance_charges: false,
id: invoice_id,
uuid: invoice_uuid,
issue_date: issue_date,
issue_time: issue_time,
subtype: invoice_subtype,
type: invoice_type,
invoice_counter_value: invoice_counter_value,
previous_invoice_hash: previous_invoice_hash,
accounting_supplier_party: accounting_supplier_party,
accounting_customer_party: accounting_customer_party,
delivery: delivery,
payment_means_code: payment_means_code,
allowance_charges: allowance_charges,
tax_totals: tax_totals,
legal_monetary_total: legal_monetary_total,
invoice_lines: invoice_lines,
currency_code: currency_code,
note: note,
note_language_id: note_language_id
# NOTE: For credit or debit notes you must also fill out
# invoice.instruction_note with an explanation on why
# this note was issued.
# Done! You now have an invoice constructed
Make sure to check the compliance first.
ZATCA will be doing the signing (also known as clearance) for B2B/Standard invoices. We can use the clearance API to do this for us.
# Construct a client with the username and password
client = ZATCA::Client.new(username: username, password: password, environment: :simulation)
# Send the request to ZATCA
response = client.clear_invoice(
uuid: invoice.uuid,
invoice_hash: invoice.generate_hash,
invoice: invoice.to_base64,
cleared: false
# This is the Base64 that we will submit via reporting and extract the QR Code out of
# This is technically a signed XML e-invoice encoded as Base64
signed_base64 = response["clearedInvoice"]
response = client.report_invoice(
uuid: invoice.uuid,
invoice_hash: invoice.generate_hash,
invoice: signed_base64,
cleared: true
From the Base64 that ZATCA signed for us, we can simply do this:
qr_base64 = ZATCA.extract_qr_base64_from_base64_invoice(signed_base64)
# This is a Base64 QR code, we still need to render it.
See this page