Be aware this package is not ready for production usage and is in the development phase.
Vabastegi (in farsi) is a dependency management system for Go.
- Eliminate globals: the Vabastegi helps you remove global state from your application.
No more
or global variables. - Code reuse: the Vabastegi lets teams within your organization build loosely-coupled and well-integrated shareable components.
- Battle tested: the Vabastegi is the backbone of all Go services at Snapp! Cab Pricing Team.
See our docs to get started and/or learn more about Vabastegi.
Use Go modules to install the Vabastegi in your application.
go get github.com/mrsoftware/vabastegi
package main
import (
type Config struct {
Port int64
LoggerLevel int
type Logger struct {
Level int
func (receiver *Logger) Sync() error {
// sync buffered logs into output
return nil
type Hub struct {
Config *Config
Logger *Logger
Fiber *fiber.App
// Providers normally go to `internal/app` directory and a file for each group of providers.
// The main.go file will only contain the main function.
// ProvideConfig create and load config and store it into Hub.
func ProvideConfig(ctx context.Context, application *vabastegi.App[Hub]) error {
application.Hub.Config = &Config{}
return nil
// ProvideLogger create logger and store it into Hub.
// This provider is depending on Config.
func ProvideLogger(ctx context.Context, application *vabastegi.App[Hub]) error {
application.Hub.Logger = &Logger{Level: application.Hub.Config.LoggerLevel}
// you can register a callback and will call when application is getting shutdown.
application.OnShutdown(func(ctx context.Context) error {
return application.Hub.Logger.Sync()
return nil
// ProvideFiber create Fiber app (server) and store it into Hub.
// We break http server into (Create/Register/Serve) to each part work independently.
func ProvideFiber(ctx context.Context, application *vabastegi.App[Hub]) error {
application.Hub.Fiber = fiber.New(fiber.Config{})
return nil
// RegisterObservabilityRoutes we create a passage provider so each handler can have its own Provider.
func RegisterObservabilityRoutes(ctx context.Context, application *vabastegi.App[Hub]) error {
application.Hub.Fiber.Get("/ping", func(ctx *fiber.Ctx) error { return ctx.SendString("pong") })
return nil
// StartServer is normally the final step of a server and all routes/middlewares registered before the ServerStart.
func StartServer(ctx context.Context, application *vabastegi.App[Hub]) error {
// register a callback for application shutdown, to shut down fiber.
// go run background tack, you need to call RunTask, and this will let the application be aware of background tasks and will wait for them.
application.RunTask(func() {
if err := application.Hub.Fiber.Listen(application.Hub.Config.Port); err != nil {
application.Shutdown(ctx, err.Error())
return nil
func main() {
// Creating list or application provider.
providers := []vabastegi.Provider[Hub]{
// list of your application dependency provider like config and logger, http server, repository, service creation, for each you create a provider
ProvideConfig, ProvideLogger, ProvideFiber, RegisterObservabilityRoutes, StartServer,
// creating an application with graceful shutdown, after received an interrupt signal, the application will call all shutdown callbacks (check logger)
application := vabastegi.New[app.Hub](vabastegi.WithGraceFullShutdown(true))
// pass all providers and to build the application.
if err := application.Builds(context.TODO(), providers...); err != nil {
application.Logger().Errorf("creating application: %s", err)
// we will wait for all background tasks to complete.
if err := application.Wait(); err != nil {
application.Logger().Errorf("application is finished: %s", err)
application.Logger().Infof("application is finished successfully!")
for mode details, check the documentation
- Complete README.md file
- Handle routine errors
- Unit test