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The blacklist overlap test provides a measure on the degree to which one feed is contained within some other feed.


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Blacklist overlap test

The blacklist overlap test provides a measure on the degree to which one feed is contained within some other feed. It is a metric that may be used to exclude blacklist feeds that is already contained in other feeds.

This project is inspired by the combine and tiq-test project (written in R) by @alexcpsec, @kylemaxwell and others. While the tiq-test project provides additional quality metrics and also supports enrichment, this project is pure Python and provides the overlap test. That said, if overlap test is the goal just running the Jupyter notebook or will do the fetch data, extract IP addresses, calculate overlap between each pair, and build heatmap steps. It is designed to be standalone. If you'd like to gain insight into degree of overlap between different feeds with minimal effort then please continue reading.

If you prefer R there's an option to save a .csv file with a format that is expected by tiq.test. See Importing into tiq-test for an example.


The purpose of this project is to provide a means to measure the degree to which blacklists overlap in terms of IPv4 entries.

IP addresses are fetched from public and private (optional) blacklists and two plots are given as output, a barchart showing sizes per blacklist and a heatmap showing the degree of overlap between the blacklists. There is also support for importing blacklists from the local filesystem.

The Jupyter notebook found in notebooks directory gives transparancy into the code and plots as you run it, the Standalone .py version saves the plots and a .csv on disk and has a separate config file that contains some additional settings not available in the notebook.

URLs to feeds, or paths to local files to be imported are all set within the notebook or in overlap.conf if running the .py version. There are no assumptions on the formats of these feeds or local files, a regexp is used to search for IPv4 addresses line by line.


Example output is shown below.

Blacklist feed sizes

This barchart shows the blacklist feed sizes, with entry count on x-axis and the feeds (sources) on the y-axis.

Barchart with sizes of blacklist feeds

Heatmaps displaying overlap between feeds

The heatmap is used to show the overlap between pairs of feeds. The color of a cell reveals the degree to which a blacklist feed on the y-axis contains some feed on the x-axis.

An example is shown below. Here we note that e.g:

  • alienvault.generic contains all of openbl.base
  • emergingthreats.emerging contains 100% of feodotracker.ipblocklist, palevotracker.ipblocklist, spamhaus.drop and zeustracker.badips.
  • rulez.blist and emergingthreats.compromised are almost identical as they both contain above 93% of each other.

Setting ANNOTATE to True or False determines whether the actual value are shown in the cell or not.


Heatmap showing overlap


Heatmap showing overlap - annoteated



  • List of URLs that points to text or html files that contain IPv4 addresses (one per row) assumed to be blacklisted.
  • List of local files that contain blacklisted IPv4 addresses.


  • Two plots: barchart and heatmap. Rendered inline if running Jupyter notebook version or optionally saved to disk if running .py version.
  • In the standalone .py version a file that contains a concatenation of the input data, together with feed name and date may be saved in a .csv format (with gz compression).


Make sure the requirements are fullfilled.


This project started out with a notebook only, but as it grew and became more complex it was more convenient to move it to a standalone python script. While the notebook provides transparancy into execution details it is more of a proof of concept. If you're going to run the overlap test on a day to day basis then the standalone version is probably what you want.

$ cd notebooks/
$ jupyter notebook overlap_test.ipynb

All configuration are done within the notebook.

A static version of the notebook rendered by GitHub is found here: overlap_test.ipynb

Standalone .py version

First add/remove URLs of blacklist feeds to be parsed and script parameters in overlap_test.conf under src/config/. Then run the script.

$ vim src/config/overlap_test.conf
$ cd src/scripts/
$ python

A partial output from the execution of the standalone version is shown below.

(ml)ola-lx3:ola 21:32 ~/projs/blacklist_overlap_test develop > python src/scripts/ 
2016-06-27 21:32:47,921 main          : INFO     ------------------++++++++BEGIN+++++++++++----------------------
2016-06-27 21:32:47,927 GetData       : INFO     >>>> Fetching public inbound blacklisted IPv4 addresses from URLs <<<<
2016-06-27 21:32:47,927 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:32:48,265 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:32:49,527 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:32:50,722 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:32:52,710 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:32:54,656 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:32:55,527 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:32:56,335 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:32:57,594 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:32:58,951 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:33:01,157 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:33:01,684 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:33:02,140 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:33:03,084 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:33:04,020 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:33:04,715 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:33:06,144 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:33:06,369 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:33:07,092 GetData       : WARNING  Skipped 2 lines due to utf-8 decode failures. Set logging mode to DEBUG to write decode failure lines to /tmp/
2016-06-27 21:33:07,128 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:33:07,913 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:33:08,174 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:33:08,327 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:33:08,742 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:33:10,659 GetData       : WARNING  Found no valid ipv4 addresses.
2016-06-27 21:33:10,660 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:33:11,940 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:33:14,555 GetData       : INFO     Fetching:
2016-06-27 21:33:21,307 GetData       : WARNING  Got status 404 2016-06-27 21:33:21,343 WrapItUp      : INFO     Verify we got all sources: 0     spamhaus.edrop             
1     dragonresearch.vnc         
2     badips.ssh                 
3     dragonresearch.ssh         
4     dragonresearhc.http  
23    alienvault.generic         
dtype: object

2016-06-27 21:33:21,357 WrapItUp      : INFO     First few frame rows:
        entity  type direction          source notes        date
0     IPv4  inbound   spamhaus.edrop        2016-06-27
1  IPv4  inbound   spamhaus.edrop        2016-06-27
2    IPv4  inbound   spamhaus.edrop        2016-06-27
3  IPv4  inbound   spamhaus.edrop        2016-06-27
4  IPv4  inbound   spamhaus.edrop        2016-06-27

2016-06-27 21:33:21,358 WrapItUp      : INFO     Frame contains 65161 entries.

2016-06-27 21:33:22,271 WrapItUp      : INFO     Successfully saved data to: data/public_inbound/output/raw_20160627.csv.gz
2016-06-27 21:33:23,632 WrapItUp      : INFO     Successfully saved data to: data/public_inbound/output/barchart_20160627.png
2016-06-27 21:33:23,638 PlotData      : INFO     Doing heatmap calculations...
2016-06-27 21:33:30,662 WrapItUp      : INFO     Successfully saved data to: data/public_inbound/output/heatmap_20160627.png
2016-06-27 21:33:30,669 main          : INFO     Done!


Configuration options are found in src/config/overlap_test.conf

Key Description
save If True, save data to dirs defined in [path] section.
get_urls If True, fetch data from public sources defined in [inbound_urls] section.
read_prefetched If True, fetch data from local filesystem as defined in [path] and [inbound_prefetched] sections.
test If True, save data to path_tmp defined in [path] section and get url and prefetched from [*_test] conf sections.
dump If True, save raw contents for each url in path_tmp defined in [path] section.
annotate If True, show actual value in each cell of heatmap.
barplot_sort If True, sort barplot by size.
loglevel By default INFO is set (and output to stdout). DEBUG will have the additional effect of saving utf-8 decode errors to path_tmp.
date Set if you don't want today as date, format "YYYY-MM-DD". This only affects the date field in the csv file that contains all the feeds that was fetched.
timeout Number of seconds Requests will wait for a response from the server (both connect and between reads).
out_url Path to save .csv and .png when processing public sources.
out_prefetched Path to save .csv and .png when processing local filesystem sources.
in_prefetched Path to input files when processing local filesystem sources.
tmpdir Path to tmp dir. Used if dump is True or failure to find output paths.
inbound_urls Key: Description of source.
Value: URL to be fetched.
inbound_prefetched Key: Description of source.
Value: File to be read.


If the above requirements are not met then installing miniconda is probably the simplest and fastest way to get ahead. Conda will allow you to create a local "environment" that contains all the necessary packages with all dependencies met without interfering with any global Python installation

Conda is a cross-platform and Python-agnostic package manager and environment manager program that quickly installs, runs and updates packages and their dependencies and easily creates, saves, loads and switches between environments on your local computer. Conda is included in all versions of Anaconda, Miniconda and Anaconda Server.

$ ## begin
$ # check version
$ # assuming you're running a 64-bit linux and prefer python 3.5
$ wget
$ bash
$ conda create -n py3.5 python=3.5
$ source activate py3.5
$ conda install pandas seaborn requests
$ # run the overlap test
$ source deactivate
$ ## end


Importing into tiq-test

Example on import data into tiq-test (assuming file is saved as 20160520.csv.gz):

 > print("raw", "public_inbound"))
[1] "20160520"
 > overlap = tiq.test.overlapTest("public_inbound", "20160520", "raw", select.sources=NULL)
 > overlap.plot = tiq.test.plotOverlapTest(overlap, title="Overlap Test - Inbound blacklists - 20160520")
 > print(overlap.plot)

References on tiq-test: