Yeoman generator for projects that want a simple path to set up the following tools for front-end development:
- gulp task runner
- Sass for stylesheets
- JSHint for linting JavaScript
- Browserify for combining JavaScript
- UglifyJS for minifying JavaScript
- Testing with Karma, Mocha, Chai, and Sinon.JS
You can optionally set up:
npm install -g yo generator-caribou
mkdir my-app
cd my-app
yo caribou
Caribou uses gulp
as a task runner. The following tasks are available:
runs the build taskserve
cleans, runs linter, builds, serves, and watches for developmentserve:dist
cleans, runs linter, builds, and serves for distributiontest
cleans, runs linter, builds, tests, and watches for developmentbuild
cleans, runs linter and builds for distributionlint
cleans, runs linterclean
cleans for developmentclean:dist
cleans for distribution
This project is distributed under the MIT license.