Here are some of the key features that make CHOMTE.SH a must-have for security professionals:
- Subdomain Discovery: Easily gather subdomains with the help of the robust subfinder tool.
- DNS Subdomain Bruteforcing: Strengthen your DNS security by performing subdomain bruteforcing with the dmut tool.
- Quick Port Scanning: Quickly identify potential vulnerabilities by performing port scans using Naabu.
- HTTP Probing: Generate detailed reports, including techdetect and webanalyze, using projectdiscovery HTTPX.
- Service Enumeration: Discover open ports and services using Nmap, focusing only on what matters.
- Reporting: Create comprehensive reports in XML, NMAP, CSV, and HTML formats, allowing you to present your findings effectively.
- Content Discovery: Identify sensitive files exposed in web applications and rectify potential security flaws.
- Vulnerability Scanning: Uncover common misconfigurations and vulnerabilities in your infrastructure and web applications.
- Deep Reconnaissance: Leverage Shodan and Certificate Transparency for thorough internet-wide reconnaissance.
- Command Transparency: Gain full visibility into executed commands, their locations, and file outputs.
- URL Extraction and Validation: Collect all URLs, extract JavaScript files, and validate them, including those with unique parameters.
- Nuclei-based Scanning: Run Nuclei scans based on technologies found in subdomains and perform parameter fuzzing on URLs.
- JavaScript Recon: Uncover hardcoded credentials, sensitive keys, and passwords in your applications.
- Customization: Tailor the tool's behavior to your needs by modifying the flags.conf file.
CHOMTE.SH is a game-changer for cybersecurity professionals, offering a comprehensive toolkit to secure your digital assets and strengthen your web application defenses. Stay ahead of threats, protect your online presence, and make CHOMTE.SH a part of your security arsenal.
To install CHOMTE.SH, follow these steps:
- Clone the repository:
git clone
- Change the directory:
cd chomtesh
- Switch to root user
sudo su
- Make the script executable:
chmod +x *.sh
- Run the installation script:
- Run
To use CHOMTE.SH, run the script with the following flags:
└─# ./
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Usage: ./ -p <ProjectName> -d <> [option]
Usage: ./ -p <ProjectName> -i <> [option]
Usage: ./ -p projectname -d -brt -jsd -sto -n -cd -e -js -ex
Usage: ./ -p projectname -d Domains-list.txt
Usage: ./ -p projectname -i
Usage: ./ -p projectname -i IPs-list.txt -n -cd -e -js -ex
Mandatory Flags:
-p | --project <string> : Specify Project Name here
-d | --domain <string> : Specify Root Domain here / Domain List here
-i | --ip <string> : Specify IP / IPlist here - Starts with Naabu
-c | --cidr | --asn <string> : CIDR / ASN - Starts with Nmap Host Discovery
-hpl | --hostportlist <filename>: HTTP Probing on Host:Port List
Optional Flags - Only applicable with domain -d flag
-sd | --singledomain : Single Domain for In-Scope Engagement
-pp | --portprobe : Probe HTTP web services in ports other than 80 & 443
-a | --all : Run all required scans
-rr | --rerun : ReRun the scan again
-brt | --dnsbrute : DNS Recon Bruteforce
-ax | --alterx : Subdomain Bruteforcing using DNSx on Alterx Generated Domains
-sto | --takeover : Subdomain Takeover Scan
Global Flags - Applicable with both -d / -i
-s | --shodan : Shodan Deep Recon - API Key Required
-n | --nmap : Nmap Scan against open ports
-e | --enum : Active Recon
-cd | --content : Content Discovery Scan
-cd | --content subdomains.txt : Content Discovery Scan
-ru | --reconurl : URL Recon; applicable with enum -e flag
-ex | --enumxnl : XNL JS Recon; applicable with enum -e flag
-nf | --nucleifuzz : Nuclei Fuzz; applicable with enum -e flag
-h | --help : Show this help
- -p or --project: Specify the project name here.
- -d or --domain: Specify the root domain here or a domain list.
- -i or --ip: Specify the IP/CIDR/IP list here.
-n or --nmap : Nmap scan against open ports.
-brt or --dnsbrute : DNS Recon Bruteforce.
-hpl or --hostportlist : HTTP Probing on Host:Port List
-cd or --content : Content Discovery - Path is optional
-e or --enum : Active Enum based on technologies
-h or --help : Show help.
Here are some example commands:
Mode | Commands |
Gather Subdomains and perform HTTP Probing | ./ -p projectname -d |
Bruteforcing Subdomains with dmut | ./ -p projectname -d -brt |
Perform AlterX Bruteforcing using DNSx | ./ -p projectname -d -brt -ax |
Subdomain Takeover Scan using Subjack and Nuclei | ./ -p projectname -d -brt -ax -sto |
Port Scanning and then HTTP probing on open ports | ./ -p projectname -d -pp |
Nmap Scan on open ports + CSV,HTML Reporting | ./ -p projectname -d -pp -n |
EnumScan: Content Discovery scan on Potential URLs | ./ -p projectname -d -e -cd |
EnumScan: URL Recon Function | ./ -p projectname -d -e -ru |
EnumScan: Nuclei Fuzzer Template Scan on Potential Parameter URLs | ./ -p projectname -d -e -ru -nf |
EnumScan: Run all Enum modules | ./ -p projectname -d -e -cd -ru -v -nf |
EnumScan: XNL JS Recon and do Trufflehog Secret Scan | ./ -p projectname -d -e -ex |
Perform all applicable Scans | ./ -p projectname -d -all |
Shodan Scan [API Key Required] | ./ -p projectname -d -s |
Input List of domains in scope | ./ -p projectname -d Domains-list.txt |
Single Domain for in scope engagements | ./ -p projectname -d -sd |
Single IP Scan | ./ -p projectname -i |
CIDR / Subnet Scan | ./ -p projectname --cidr |
ASN Scan | ./ -p projectname --asn AS394363 |
Perform Nmap scan on open ports | ./ -p projectname -i IPs-list.txt -n |
Perform host:port http probing & enum | ./ -p projectname -hpl hostportlist.txt -e -cd |
- Setup Subfinder API Keys
Subfinder API Keys. - Setup API Keys in Chomtesh Config file
- Customization
, CHOMTE.SH allows you to customize the tool flags by editing theflags.conf
To pull the chomtesh
image from Docker Hub, use the following command:
docker pull r12w4n/chomtesh
To run chomtesh
in a container that removes itself after completion:
docker run --rm -it r12w4n/chomtesh ./ -p vulnweb -d -a
To execute chomtesh
and map the Results
directory from the container to your local machine:
docker run --rm -it -v "$(pwd)/Results:/app/chomtesh/Results" r12w4n/chomtesh ./ -p vulnweb -d -brt -ax
This command will create a Results
folder in your current working directory and populate it with the results from the container.
If you have configuration files on your host machine that you need to use within the container:
Host File Paths:
Container Mapping Paths:
Use the following command to map these files into the container:
docker run --rm -it \
-v ~/.config/subfinder/provider-config.yaml:~/.config/subfinder/provider-config.yaml \
-v $(pwd)/config.yml:/app/chomtesh/config.yml \
r12w4n/chomtesh ./ -p vulnweb -d -a
Here are some example commands:
cp core/ . && chmod +x
./ teslaoutput
./ teslaoutput "TESLA, INC."
Read More here: External Reconnaissance Unveiled: A Deep Dive into Domain Analysis
Contributions and pull requests are highly encouraged for this project. Contributions are what make the open source community such an amazing place to be learn, inspire, and create. Any contributions you make are greatly appreciated.
The CHOMTESH project was made possible by community contributions. We acknowledge and thank all the contributors who have made this project what it is.
- Rizwan Syed
- Rushikesh Patil
- Ashutosh Barot
- Kaustubh Rai