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Pontoon: Update Belarusian (be) localization of Facebook Container
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Co-authored-by: Lavon Śpirydonaŭ <[email protected]>
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Lavon Śpirydonaŭ authored and mozilla-pontoon committed Jul 31, 2021
1 parent bc15fb3 commit ddf8b1c
Showing 1 changed file with 103 additions and 0 deletions.
103 changes: 103 additions & 0 deletions src/_locales/be/messages.json
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -13,6 +13,21 @@
"in-fbc-p1": {
"message": "Цяпер Facebook можа асочваць вас на гэтым сайце. Каб выдаліць гэты сайт з Facebook Container, перайдзіце да \"Сайты, што дазволены ў Facebook Container\" і выдаліце гэты сайт са спісу."
"on-facebook-subhead": {
"message": "На Facebook і сайтах, што пад абаронаю Facebook Container",
"description": "This is shown at the top of the panel pop-up when the user is on a Facebook website, which has been automatically opened into Facebook Container. DO NOT TRANSLATE \"Facebook Container\"."
"on-facebook-p1": {
"message": "Гэты значок паказваецца ў адрасным радку Firefox пры наведванні сайтаў, што належаць Facebook, альбо сайтаў, дададзеных вамі да Facebook Container.",
"description": "This is shown in the body of the panel pop-up when the user is on a Facebook website, which has been automatically opened into Facebook Container. DO NOT TRANSLATE \"Facebook Container\"."
"on-facebook-p2": {
"message": "Гэтыя сайты мусяць мець доступ да вашай тоеснасці на Facebook (альбо ведаць, хто вы ёсць), каб працаваць. Таксама гэта значыць, што Facebook можа асочваць усё, што вы робіце на гэтых сайтах.",
"description": "This is shown in the body of the panel pop up when the user is on Facebook."
"notOnFacebookHeader": {
"message": "$URL$ не ў Кантэйнеры для Facebook.",
"description": "This is shown at the top of the panel pop-up when the user is NOT on a Facebook website, which has been automatically opened OUTSIDE Facebook Container. DO NOT TRANSLATE \"Facebook Container\".",
Expand All @@ -35,32 +50,120 @@
"message": "Facebook Container",
"description": "This is the name of the extension, and appears at the top of all onboarding panels. Please do not translate \"Facebook Container\"."
"onboarding1-subhead": {
"message": "Карыстанне Facebook Container",
"description": "This is the subhead of onboarding panel 1. Please do not translate \"Facebook Container\""
"onboarding1-p1": {
"message": "Facebook можа сачыць за вашымі праглядамі далёка за межамі Напрыклад, такія кнопкі Фэйсбуку, як \"Упадабаць\" ці \"Абагуліць\", могуць асочваць вас нават на старонках, якія вы ніколі не лайкалі альбо абагульвалі.",
"description": "This is the first paragraph of onboarding panel 1. Please do not translate \"Facebook Container\""
"onboarding2-alt": {
"message": "Значок плота Facebook Container ",
"description": "This is alternative text for the icon in the second onboarding panel"
"onboarding4-subhead": {
"message": "Па-за Facebook",
"description": "This is the subhead for the fourth onboarding panel."
"btn-allow": {
"message": "Дазволіць",
"description": "This is a button to allows users to whitelist the domain, adding it to the Facebook container."
"btn-cancel": {
"message": "Скасаваць",
"description": "This is a button to cancel out of the onboarding panel."
"btn-next": {
"message": "Далей",
"description": "This is a button to continue to the next onboarding panel."
"btn-back": {
"message": "Назад",
"description": "This is a button that returns the user to the previous onboarding panel."
"btn-done": {
"message": "Гатова",
"description": "This is a button the user clicks to close out the panel when they have finished reading the text."
"btn-arrow-back": {
"message": "Вярнуцца да папярэдняй панэлі.",
"description": "This is alternative text for the back arrow button."
"btn-arrow-forward": {
"message": "Перайсці ў раздзел \"Як працуе Facebook Container\"",
"description": "This is alternative text for the arrow icon next to the \"How Facebook Container Works\" link"
"no-trackers-subhead": {
"message": "Асочвальнікі Facebook не знойдзены",
"description": ""
"learn-more": {
"message": "Даведацца больш",
"description": "This is a link that opens a page with more information about Facebook Container."
"how-fbc-works": {
"message": "Як працуе Facebook Container",
"description": "This is a button that opens the Facebook Container onboarding flow."
"trackers-detected-subhead": {
"message": "Мы абаранілі вас ад Facebook.",
"description": "This is a subhead, and it means that the add on has protected the user by blocking Facebook trackers."
"trackers-detected-fence-alt": {
"message": "Плот Facebook Container са шчытом.",
"description": "This is alternative text describing the container fence icon."
"sites-added-subhead": {
"message": "Сайты, што дазволены ў Facebook Container",
"description": "This is a panel subhead."
"sites-included": {
"message": "УКЛЮЧАНЫЯ САЙТЫ",
"description": "This is a header for the list of websites that are in the Facebook Container by default. Capitalized letters are preferred if that makes sense/is feasible for the language."
"no-sites-added": {
"message": "Нічога",
"description": "This message is shown beneath the 'SITES YOU’VE ALLOWED' list header when no sites have been added to the contaner."
"sites-allowed": {
"description": "This is the header for the list of sites the user has manually added into the Facebook Container. Capitalized letters are preferred if that makes sense/is feasible for the lanaguage."
"remove": {
"message": "Выдаліць",
"description": ""
"button-allow-site": {
"message": "Дазволіць сайт у Facebook Container",
"description": "Button text that allows sites to be added to the Facebook Container"
"button-remove-site": {
"message": "Выдаліць сайт з Facebook Container",
"description": "Button text that removes an already-added site from the Facebook Container to the default container"
"button-remove-site-tooltip": {
"message": "Гэты сайт не мажліва выдаліць з Facebook Container, бо ён з'яўляецца ўласнасцю Facebook.",
"description": "Tooltip that is displayed when hovering over the remove site button"
"remove-site-subhead": {
"message": "Ці выдаліць сайт з Facebook Container?",
"description": ""
"add-site-subhead": {
"message": "Ці дазволіць Facebook асочванне на гэтым сайце?",
"description": ""
"inPageUI-tooltip-prompt-p1": {
"message": "Дазволіць Facebook высочваць вас тут?",
"description": ""
"inPageUI-tooltip-prompt-checkbox": {
"message": "Не паказваць мне гэта зноў",
"description": ""
"inPageUI-tooltip-button-share-passive": {
"message": "Калі вы націснеце гэтую кнопку, Facebook зможа асочваць ваша наведванне гэтага сайта.",
"description": ""

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