Nymphia is a DSL to generate a ssh config file more structurally.
You can use full Ruby syntax and useful methods provided by Nymphia.
There is a Vim syntax (nymphia.vim) if you want to edit colorfully in Vim.
Just type gem command,
$ gem install nymphia
$ nymphia --help
-f, --file=FILE Your DSL code file
-o, --output=FILE Output file (default: stdout)
Following code is a small example.
identity_file :private, '~/.ssh/id_rsa.1'
my_server_port = 4321
host('alice', 'my server on VPS') {
hostname 'alice.example.com'
user 'alice'
port my_server_port
use_identify_file :private
Following ssh config file is generated after the code is compiled.
# This config is generated by Nymphia 0.1.2
# @ 2017-12-08T16:34:15+09:00
# my server on VPS
Host alice
Hostname alice.example.com
User alice
Port 4321
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.1
Method identity_file
register your identity file with a name. You can use registered identity file by use_identify_file
in host
Method host
generate Host
directive. First argument is name of host, Second argument is description of the host. Description is optional.
You can use include_file
method to include other Nymphia file like following example. Absolute path and relative path are acceptable as the file path.
We could use load
in previous version, but load
is obsoleted now.
identity_file :private, '~/.ssh/id_rsa.1'
host('alice', 'my server on VPS') {
hostname 'alice.example.com'
user 'alice'
port 4321
use_identify_file :private
include_file 'other_nymphia_file.rb'
Method proxy
is almost same to host
, but local_forward
method can be used in proxy
. Following code is small example of proxy
identity_file :company_gateway, '~/.ssh/id_rsa.company.gw'
proxy('awsproxy.company.apne1') {
hostname 'gw.apne1.example.com'
user 'alice'
port 19822
use_identify_file :company_gateway
# SOCKS proxy
dynamic_forward 23921
# ssh tunnels
local_forward 'mysql-server', {
'localhost' => 13306,
'mysql.apne.aws.example.com' => 3306,
local_forward 'ldap', {
'localhost' => 10389,
'ldap.apne.aws.example.com' => 398,
Following ssh config file is generated after the code is compiled.
# This config is generated by Nymphia 0.1.2
# @ 2017-12-08T16:34:15+09:00
Host awsproxy.company.apne1
Hostname gw.apne1.example.com
User alice
Port 19822
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.company.gw
DynamicForward 23921
LocalForward localhost:13306 mysql.apne.aws.example.com:3306
LocalForward localhost:10389 ldap.apne.aws.example.com:398
Nymphia has group
and gateway
method to make ssh config more structurally. Following code is small example of grouping.
identity_file :company, '~/.ssh/id_rsa.company'
identity_file :company_gateway, '~/.ssh/id_rsa.company.gw'
gateway('company.gateway') {
hostname 'gw.example.com'
user 'alice'
port 19822
group('company.ap-northeast-1') {
use_gateway 'company.gateway'
default_params {
check_host_ip 'no'
strict_host_key_checking 'no'
user 'alice'
port 9822
use_identify_file :company, :company_gateway
host('alice.apne.aws.example.com') {
hostname ''
user 'white_rabbit'
port 7777
Following ssh config file is generated after the code is compiled.
# This config is generated by Nymphia 0.1.2
# @ 2017-12-08T16:34:15+09:00
Host company.gateway
Hostname gw.example.com
User alice
Port 19822
Host *.apne.aws.example.com
CheckHostIp no
StrictHostKeyChecking no
User alice
Port 9822
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.company
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.company.gw
ProxyCommand ssh company.gateway -q -W %h:%p
Host alice.apne.aws.example.com
CheckHostIp no
StrictHostKeyChecking no
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.company
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa.company.gw
ProxyCommand ssh company.gateway -q -W %h:%p
User white_rabbit
Port 7777
Method gateway
is almost same to host
, but it can be used in a group by use_gateway
method. When write use_gateway
in a group, ProxyCommand ssh #{gateway name} -q -W %h:%p
directive is added automatically to hosts in the group.
Method default_params
defines default parameters of hosts in the group including default_params
. In this example, host '*.apne.aws.example.com'
has no parameters, but Host *.apne.aws.example.com
in result is filled by default parameters. The default parameters can be overide like host 'alice.apne.aws.example.com'
- vim syntax
- Test code
- CI
After checking out the repo, run bin/setup
to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec
to run the tests. You can also run bin/console
for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.
Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at https://github.com/mozamimy/nymphia.
The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.