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Releases: motioneye-project/motioneyeos


26 Oct 01:53
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dev20201026 Pre-release

Merge branch 'dev' of into dev


07 Jun 07:32
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What's new:

  • OS: SSH, FTP and SMB servers are now started in networkless mode.
  • OS: logrotate is now run hourly instead of daily.
  • OS: Raspberry Pi (all): ever growing empty lines in /boot/config.txt are now removed.
  • OS: Raspberry Pi (all): core temperature is now permanently logged.
  • OS: Raspberry Pi (all): the Wi-Fi ap0 interface is now automatically enabled at boot.
  • motionEye: fixed smart mask sluggishness limits.
  • motionEye: fixed floating image dimensions when generating media preview.
  • motionEye: fixed filename validation regex.
  • motionEye: added support for nvenc (credits go to @HawtDogFlvrWtr).


04 Feb 23:41
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20200203 Pre-release

What's new:

  • OS: Raspberry Pi (all variants): added support for device tree overlays
  • OS: Raspberry Pi (all variants): updated kernel, firmware and userland
  • OS: Raspberry Pi (all variants): various fast network camera mode improvements
  • OS: Odroid C2: updated kernel to 3.16
  • OS: Odroid XU4: added experimental H.264 hardware encoding support
  • OS: Odroid XU4: updated kernel to 4.14
  • OS: date is now updated using SNTP, by default
  • OS: added a dynamic DNS helper script
  • OS: OverlayFS is now used for /usr, /var/lib and /var/log
  • OS: IPv6 is no longer disabled in kernel at boot
  • OS: added experimental /data/etc/network/interfaces support
  • OS: added service utility to control services (e.g. service motioneye start)
  • OS: it is now easier to configure SSH both as a server and as a client
  • motionEye: video devices above /dev/video9 are no longer automatically added at first boot
  • motionEye: added RTMP support (thanks @mcd1992)
  • motionEye: added movie passthrough option support (thanks @wmig)
  • motionEye: adjusted validations for various fields (thanks @jwheeler91)
  • motionEye: additional options are now hidden when surveillance user is logged in
  • motionEye: fixed erroneous fps reporting


11 Sep 06:54
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What's new:

  • OS: Raspberry Pi (all): updated kernel, firmware & userland
  • OS: added Raspberry Pi 4 support
  • OS: added rngd daemon to facilitate kernel random data feed
  • OS: added pantilthat Python library (not used, but present for user scripts, thanks @popoviciri)
  • OS: Raspberry Pi (all): added various patches needed to support greyworld AWB mode (thanks @popoviciri)
  • OS: Orange Pi {Zero, One}: custom kernel config is now used so that more drivers are enabled
  • motionEye: fixed video streams not working on Chrome 76+ (thanks @rajendrant)
  • motionEye: fixed issues when using unicode in notification hooks (thanks @zagrim)
  • motionEye: added more validations on the UI side (thanks @zagrim)
  • motionEye: fixed Google Drive upload cleanup issue (thanks @chiastic-security)
  • motionEye: various Google Photos upload improvements (thanks @bob-lee)
  • motionEye: fixed smart mask sluggishness description


05 Sep 09:35
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20190904 Pre-release
motionEye: update to 0.41


22 Jun 12:40
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20190619 Pre-release

What's new:

  • OS: updated to BuildRoot 2019.02.2
  • OS: added experimental RTSP/h264 fast network camera mode
  • OS: Raspberry Pi (all): updated kernel to 4.19
  • OS: Tinkerboard: updated kernel
  • OS: Nano Pi Neo2: updated kernel
  • OS: Odroid C2: updated kernel
  • OS: Orange Pi One: updated kernel to mainline 5.1.9
  • OS: added support for Orange Pi Zero
  • motionEye: added HTTP headers to prevent live streaming frame caching
  • motionEye: removed useless & painful Advanced Settings filter
  • motionEye: Simple MJPEG Camera credentials are no longer embedded into URL
  • motionEye: added support for maximum_threshold and threshold_tune Motion option
  • motionEye: fixed leading/trailing slash issue with Google clean cloud feature
  • motionEye: slider values are now shown while hovered with mouse


01 May 12:26
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note: do not attempt to update to this version automatically if running anything below 20190119! Due to the different partition layout, you'll need to either rewrite the OS image from scratch (recommended) or use the following procedure to manually upgrade your system.

What's new:

  • OS: system configuration files now use uppercase variable names
  • OS: most system configuration files can be provisioned via the boot partition, before any boot, not just the first one
  • OS: added support for Asus Tinkerboard
  • OS: Raspberry Pi (all): updated kernel, firmware & userland
  • OS: added sysctl.conf support
  • OS: added /etc/environment support
  • OS: firmware upgrade mechanism is now more flexible
  • OS: implemented a simple backup restoring init script
  • OS: update Motion to 4.2
  • motionEye: autocapitalization for usernames and passwords is now disabled (thanks @timmo001)
  • motionEye: better masked out area color (thanks @19grad).
  • motionEye: added support for mjpeg:// URLs (thanks @Queuecumber)
  • motionEye: added experimental support for removing old media files from Google Drive (thanks @bob-lee)
  • motionEye: removed compatibility with Motion 3.x
  • motionEye: added support for Motion 4.2
  • motionEye: all V4L2 video controls can now be adjusted from the UI
  • motionEye: added a migration script to help converting from old Motion formats to Motion 4.2 (automatically, upon firmware upgrade)

note: do not attempt to update to this version automatically if running anything below 20190119! Due to the different partition layout, you'll need to either rewrite the OS image from scratch (recommended) or use the following procedure to manually upgrade your system.



15 Apr 07:06
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20190413 Pre-release

note: do not attempt to update to this version automatically if running anything below 20190119! Due to the different partition layout, you'll need to either rewrite the OS image from scratch (recommended) or use the following procedure to manually upgrade your system.

What's new:

  • OS: system configuration files now use uppercase variable names
  • OS: most system configuration files can be provisioned via the boot partition, before any boot, not just the first one
  • OS: added support for Asus Tinkerboard
  • OS: Raspberry Pi (all): updated kernel, firmware & userland
  • OS: added sysctl.conf support
  • OS: added /etc/environment support
  • OS: firmware upgrade mechanism is now more flexible
  • OS: implemented a simple backup restoring init script
  • OS: update Motion to 4.2
  • motionEye: autocapitalization for usernames and passwords is now disabled (thanks @timmo001)
  • motionEye: better masked out area color (thanks @19grad).
  • motionEye: added support for mjpeg:// URLs (thanks @Queuecumber)
  • motionEye: added experimental support for removing old media files from Google Drive (thanks @bob-lee)
  • motionEye: removed compatibility with Motion 3.x
  • motionEye: added support for Motion 4.2
  • motionEye: all V4L2 video controls can now be adjusted from the UI
  • motionEye: added a migration script to help converting from old Motion formats to Motion 4.2 (automatically, upon firmware upgrade)

note: do not attempt to update to this version automatically if running anything below 20190119! Due to the different partition layout, you'll need to either rewrite the OS image from scratch (recommended) or use the following procedure to manually upgrade your system.



19 Jan 15:15
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What's new:

  • OS: Raspberry PI (all): fixed a nasty stability issue when using the OMX h264 encoder

note: do not attempt to update to this version automatically! Due to the different partition layout, you'll need to either rewrite the OS image from scratch (recommended) or use the following procedure to manually upgrade your system.



09 Dec 20:09
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20181209 Pre-release

note: do not attempt to update to this version automatically! Due to the different partition layout, you'll need to rewrite the OS image from scratch. Using the automatic update mechanism will, at best, fail with an error message.

What's new:

  • OS: actually added the lan951x-led-ctl package which got lost after a recent merge
  • motionEye: fixed Fast Network Camera mode failing to start

note: do not attempt to update to this version automatically! Due to the different partition layout, you'll need to rewrite the OS image from scratch. Using the automatic update mechanism will, at best, fail with an error message.