This repository includes some very useful utilities for people working with MVS, z/OS, VM/SP and z/VM on real mainframes or emulated ones. Most of the topics covered by these programs are covered in my youtube mainframe channel here:
Here are some of the programs and tools included in this repo:
recv390 is a receive command for Linux or Windows. It extracts XMIT files. recv390 is by James Morrison. I made some fixes and small enhancements to the program. Compile simply with gcc -o recv90 recv390.c.
SYCPLK.ccdk is a 3390-3 volume (SYSCPK) which includes about 10 or 12 compilers for the mainframe, including:
- PLI F compiler
- Cobol compiler from the 60s
- RPG compiler
- PL/360 compiler
- Pascal compiler
- the amazing ASSIST assembler
- Simula compiler
- Basic
- and tons more!
Simply mount the volume on your system, add it to the VTLST00 member as private, and then extend your JES2 to use the included SYS2.PROCLIB on SYSCPK. This proclib has procedures for all the included compilers. The run-time libraries, like SYSC.PLILIB are of course included in the volume. There is also a version of this volume on 3350 disk image, but OS390 and up don't have support for such old disks anymore.
sort.jcl is a sort job which stresses a TK4 MVS 3.8 by creating millions of random records and then using IBM Sort to sort them. Requires TK4-
The amazing standalone operating system for S/360 from Prof Madnick's seminal book on operating system. I also include the assembly output.
My .vimrc file for VIM. It color highlights correctly JCl and assembly for S/370.
VM goodies
The usefuljcl/ directory contains very useful JCL jobs which you will use on adaily basis as a MVS or z/OS SYSPROG
a calculator for ideal blocksize given a DASD type and a logical record length, written by me in Go language. It's called blocksize.go and I also inlude a Linux 64bit binary
the PC370 source code for the simply amazing S370 assembler which runs in MS-DOS.
Lots of JCL and source code files which I use in my moshix mainframe channel vidoes
Some JCL for Cobol and VSAM on z/OS
A REXX programs for both z/OS and MVS 3.8 to get information from the operating system, such as online users, IPL time etc.
SMF reporting tools
Rexx panel programs for TSO
Panel/Rexx programs for TSO
LOGREC cleaning JCL
Creating users on TSO HOWTO
Sort jobs example with IBM Sort (Iceman)
My .X3270pro file (UPDATE: NOW WITH TURBOPASCAL theme)
ISPF Panel Rexx examples
JSON code for interaction between Golang and DB2
A z/VM machine load information utility
A working copy of the original CHRIMAS EXEC (OR CHRISTMA EXEC) worm from 1988
A payroll report source code in MVT Cobol with test data and the JES2 output listing
A VM/370 editor
The TELPAR operating system for EDA (Electronic Design Automation) and ATG (Automatic Test Generation) of Stanford University
A disassembler
Sample parameterhandling jobs,
submit bash script for z/OS or MVS workflow in vim
3270 extended attribute codes
A treatise on the handling of virtual storage in SVS, MFT, MVT and MVS
some very cool VM/370 add-ons.
a tape with VM/370 games.
Matlab for VM/CMS!!
A JCL and PLI aware small editor
A generalized IP address parser for all your NICs (important when you do IPv4 stuff with Hercules)
An HP41 calculator in Fortran and REXX
an IBM 1403 font
an assembler in bash
and more...much, much more
Printing on VM
Start 00e cl a nosep, on the operator console.
spool print system
print file listing a
Printing on MVS without JES2 charset translation
CCKD support for Hercules (althought new bugs were discovered in CCKD as of 4.7)
***@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt install zlib1g-dev
***@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt install libbz2-dev
Buenos Aires, March 2025