This is a minimal demo using StereoKit and OpenCV to display a webcam view in XR!
It's just a little educational resource I wanted to make - to show people some super basic multithreading (putting all the slow camera code on one thread and all the fast XR code on another) and how to hook up various C/C++ libraries using CMake.
It works in XR and on flatscreen, meaning all you need to try this is a Linux machine with a webcam, no HMDs necessary!
Currently, this only works on Linux.
First, follow the instructions at to get StereoKit installed.
Next, get OpenCV's C++ development library and CMake - on Ubuntu, it'd be
sudo apt install libopencv-dev cmake
(There might be a lot more packages you need, but you'll probably have gotten them as you installed StereoKit)
Then, build this project itself with something like
git clone
cd sk-webcam-example
mkdir build && cd build
cmake ..
make -j24
Then, to run it, do
Whoever you are reading this right now, these instructions probably won't work for you by themselves because there are a ton of other dependencies I'm forgetting about + don't have time to write down right here.
Open-source XR is a super new domain, and everybody who's working in it right now got help from somebody. Feel free to hit me up in the StereoKit discord server if you want help or just want to discuss things!
I don't really have anything I want to do with this; 'twas just a fun project. But I would take PRs for
- A UI for selecting a webcam and picking a resolution; not just letting OpenCV pick the first one at the default resolution
- Making the webcam window grabbable and more fun
- Windows build