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TypeScript - Vue Starter Kit

Fork the current repository to start using a template using VUE with Typescript.

It has build in plugins and the most recent techniques to avoid many of boiler code plate.

Features included:

  • Project Scaffolding using DDD Patterns;
  • Typescript, Vue, Vuex;
  • Complete CI/CD pipeline.

Core libraries used:

  • Vue 2.x and VUE-CLI 4.x
  • Vuex using Vuex Class and Vuex Module Decorators;
  • Typescript 3.5;
  • SASS Loader ( SCSS, LESS, SASS )
  • AXIOS for Network requests;
  • Jest;
  • Cypress.


Run in Windows, Linux, macOS


  • Version 2.x


  • Version 12.x LTS

Visual Studio Code

Project setup

git clone @REMOTE_SOURCE

npm install

In case of npm having problems with installation of dev dependencies try

npm install --only=dev

In case of node-sass errors:

sudo npm install --save-dev --unsafe-perm node-sass

Compiles and hot-reloads for development

npm run serve


New to Vue Typescript?


Project Scaffolding Structure

Trying to make best use of a Domain Drive Design pattern in order to keep SOLID principles in use.

src\domains\DOMAIN ( A sphere of knowledge (ontology), influence, or activity );

  • .\__tests ( Unit and Integration files );
  • .\components ( Child components that extends directly from main domain );
  • .\models ( entities, types and enumerations );
  • .\services ( logic which will do all the interaction with the external network resources );
  • .\store ( serves as state management pattern ).
  • .\index ( entry class for the domain ).

!! Direct Imports should be avoided !!

Dependencies should be using the _main/_shared files according to keep domain dependencies has clean has possible to be easily shared

  • .\DOMAIN\<folder>\_main.ts ( dependencies related to the Domain )
  • .\DOMAIN\<folder>\_shared.ts ( dependencies related to the EXTERNAL Domain )


  • all related media files and external dependencies.


  • store ( serves as a centralized state management pattern from all domains ).


  • app shared section files ( menus, routing, footers ).


  • main entry for structural files regarding html sections.


  • used to store End to End tests.

Core Configuration files

  • package.json ( packages for development and production );
  • tsconfig.json ( information Typescript configurations );
  • vue.config.ts ( additional VUE configurations );
  • jest.config.ts ( additional JEST configurations );
  • cypress.json ( additional CYPRESS configurations ).


This is only informative, no need to install.

For Unit and Integration we are using Jest.

For End to End tests we are using Cypress.

New do Front End Testing? Some resources that worth read on:

Unit and Integration


npm run test:unit


npm run test:unit -- -t 'customEnumsSeeker-SUCCESS'

End to End

All Methods

npm run test:e2e


npm run test:unit -- --record --spec "tests/e2e/specs/test.js"


npm run lint

When using VSC with recommended ESLint and Vetur plugins it's also recommended to add this to your VSC settings file:

    "eslint.validate": [
    "vetur.validation.template": false,

Compiles and minifies for production

npm run build

optionally Running locally after build

  • Install http-server ( npm install http-server -g )
  • Run ( npx http-server ./dist )


This is an on-going project and anyone is free to contribute in order to add new features!