This is our documentation for how we have been deploying and completing our project. Our project is focused on containerizing the RocketChat application and its subcomponents. Afterwards, we will monitor the appliance with Prometheus, Node Exporter and Grafana to look at all the statistics of the server. We use terraform to automatically build our infrastructure and it calls upon scripts to take care of the rest of the magic. This includes operational activities to technical activities that we are able to describe. Sometimes, there may be dragons that we cannot catch and document. But we do our best.
Projects are carried out as a means of achieving the strategic objectives of our group and are considered beyond the normal operation of the group. We are making a Rocket Chat instance. However, operations are the ongoing and routine activities included in the core project of our group. This includes work such as git management, task management, testing production, resource delivery, automation etc. As such, operations encompass all of "normal" group functions.
In order to replicate this project, you must possess a basic understanding of:
- Networking
- Shells and SSH
- Chat Applications
- Webservers
- Containerization
- Elastic IPs