HTTP wrapper around NRefactory allowing C# editor plugins to be written for any editor in any language.
This is the server component for the Vim OmniSharp plugin, YouCompleteMe, Sublime Text 2 OmniSharp plugin, Sublime Text 3 and Emacs OmniSharp plugin.
####OSX / Linux git clone cd OmniSharpServer xbuild /p:Platform="Any CPU"
####Windows git clone cd OmniSharpServer
# (if using Cygwin, overwrite the default config file config.json with config-cygwin.json)
copy OmniSharp\config-cygwin.json OmniSharp\config.json
msbuild /p:Platform="Any CPU"
To start the Omnisharp server manually (The Vim OmniSharp client and YouCompleteMe may start this for you automatically):
[mono] OmniSharp.exe -s (path\to\sln)