This is the official website of Whiteboard360, a business owned by a freelancer that makes whiteboard animation videos, 2d explainer videos, logo designs, and portrait cartoonification. This website is meant to create online presence for the business. It is meant to be a simple frontend website with plans to gradually include backend capabilities.
- Ubiquitous call-to-action buttons to increase conversion
- Clicking the CTA buttons will display the contact form
- Sample whiteboard animation videos
- Sample logo mocks
- Sample portrait cartoonification
- Dynamic jump to top button
The website has 3 pages, namely - the home page(as seen in the screenshots above), the pricing page, and the FAQ page. The pricing page contains pricing plans for whiteboard animation, portraits and logos. There are three categories of prices, namely: basic, standard and premium. Then there is the frequently asked questions page that provides answers to some frequently asked questions.
- autoprefixer
- live-server
- npm-run-all
- postcss
- postcss-cli
- sass
- On your terminal, first clone the project into your home directory or desktop or path of choice
//for https
git clone
//for ssh
git clone
- Navigate into project
cd Whiteboard360
- Install the dependencies
npm install
- Run the development scripts
npm start
Simply run the build scripts
npm run build
- Add scripts to send email
- Add background video to the hero section
- Add carousel to circle testimonials in and out
- Add backend support