This question behaviour allows students to self-assess their own attempt at a question. At the moment it only works with the Record audio question type, but this is a limitation that will be removed in future.
Install from the Moodle plugins database in the normal way.
Or you can install using git. Type this commands in the root of your Moodle install
git clone question/behaviour/selfassess
echo /question/behaviour/selfassess/ >> .git/info/exclude
Then run the moodle update process Site administration > Notifications
Once this plugin is installed, if you have a 'Record audio' question in a quiz (or similar) that is set to use 'Immediate feedback' or 'Interactive with multiple tries', then rather than having to be manually graded by the teacher, the question becomes self-assessed.
That is, once they have submitted, students can rate their submission on a scale from one to five stars, with an optional comment.