A parser for FL Studio project files in .NET.
FLParser is a utility for parsing and structuring project files in FL Studio (FLP files). It is used by the MONAD Demogroup for converting FLP files to a format useable by the demo replayer.
FLParser is based on andrewrk's node-flp, but contains many improvements to clean up code and add compatability for newer versions of FL Studio.
Please note: FLParser is currently in beta. Only the minimal things that we need are currently implemented, and some of them might break - if they do, or you find something new, please submit an issue or pull request.
In commandline:
$ cd my/project/directory
$ git clone https://github.com/monadgroup/flparser.git
In Visual Studio:
Solution > Add > Existing Project
Find Monad.FLParser.csproj
Project References > Add Reference > Projects > Monad.FLParser
Nuget package coming soon!
Load a project with Project.Load
Project project1 = Project.Load("path/to/project.flp"); // load from file
Stream someStream = ...;
Project project2 = Project.Load(someStream); // load from stream
BinaryReader someReader = ...;
Project project3 = Project.Load(someReader); // load from binaryreader
Represents an FLP file. Has the following properties: (all get; set;
const int MaxInsertCount; // max number of inserts (as of FL 12, equal to 105)
const int MaxTrackCount; // max number of tracks (as of FL 12, equal to 199)
int MainVolume; // volume of project
int MainPitch; // pitch of project
int Ppq; // pulses per quarter-beat
double Tempo; // tempo of project
string ProjectTitle; // title of project
string Comment; // comment of project
string Author; // author of project
string Genre; // genre of project
string VersionString; // xx.xx.xx-formatted string of FL version
int Version; // int format of version
List<Channel> Channels; // list of channels in project
Track[] Tracks; // set of tracks in project (length is equal to Project.MaxTrackCount)
List<Pattern> Patterns; // list of patterns in project
Insert[] Inserts; // set of inserts in project (length is equal to Project.MaxInsertCount)
Represents an individual channel (instrument) in a project. Has the following properties: (all get; set;
int Id; // channel ID
string Name; // channel name
uint Color; // 0x00RRGGBB-formatted channel color
IChannelData Data; // channel data, will either be GeneratorData or AutomationData
Represents channel data for a generator channel (sampler or plugin). Has the following properties: (all get; set;
byte[] PluginSettings; // settings saved by the plugin
string GeneratorName; // plugin generator name
double Volume; // generator volume
double Panning; // generator panning
uint BaseNote; // generator base note
int Insert; // insert to send audio to
int LayerParent; // ???
Enums.ArpDirection ArpDir; // direction of arp
int ArpRange; // range of arp
int ArpChord; // chord of arp (mapping unknown)
int ArpRepeat; // number of times to repeat arp
double ArpTime; // speed of arp
double ArpGate; // arp note duration
bool ArpSlide; // slide arp?
// for samplers:
string SampleFileName; // path to sample
int SampleAmp; // sample volume
bool SampleReversed; // play sample reversed?
bool SampleReverseStereo; // swap stereo channels?
bool SampleUseLoopPoints; // ???
Represents channel data for an automation channel. Has the following properties: (all get; set;
Channel Channel; // channel that this automation is controlling
int Parameter; // parameter to control
AutomationKeyframe[] Keyframes; // automation keyframes
Represents an individual keyframe in an automation track. Has the following properties: (all get; set;
int Position; // keyframe position in pulses
double Value; // keyframe value
float Tension; // keyframe tension
Represents a track in a project playlist. Has the following properties: (all get; set;
string Name; // track name
uint Color; // 0x00RRGGBB-formatted track color
List<IPlaylistItem> Items; // list of playlist items in track, will either be ChannelPlaylistItem or PatternPlaylistItem
Represents an item in a track. Has the following properties: (all get; set;
int Position; // position of the item in pulses
int Length; // length of the item in pulses
int StartOffset; // position to start in data
int EndOffset; // position to end in data
Represents a sample or automation item in a track. Has the following additional properties: (all get; set;
Channel Channel; // channel to take sample or automation data from
Represents a pattern in a track. Has the following additional properties: (all get; set;
Pattern Pattern; // pattern to take note data from
Represents a pattern in a project. Has the following properties: (all get; set;
int Id; // pattern ID
string Name; // pattern name
Dictionary<Channel, List<Note>> Notes; // the notes that each channel plays in this pattern
Represents a note in a pattern. Has the following properties: (all get; set;
int Position; // note position in pulses
int Length; // note length in pulses
byte Key; // note key in MIDI format
ushort FinePitch; // note pitch adjustment
ushort Release; // note release time
byte Pan; // note pan, 0 is left and 127 is right
byte Velocity; // note velocity
Represents an insert in a project. Has the following properties: (all get; set;
const int MaxSlotCount; // max number of effect slots (as of FL 12, equal to 10)
int Id; // insert ID
string Name; // insert name
uint Color; // 0x00RRGGBB-formatted track color
ushort Icon; // icon ID
Enums.InsertFlags Flags; // insert flags
int Volume; // insert volume
int Pan; // insert pan
int StereoSep; // stereo separation
int LowLevel; // EQ lowpass level
int BandLevel; // EQ bandpass level
int HighLevel; // EQ highpass level
int LowFreq; // EQ lowpass frequency
int BandFreq; // EQ bandpass frequency
int HighFreq; // EQ highpass frequency
int LowWidth; // EQ lowpass width
int BandWidth; // EQ bandpass width
int HighWidth; // EQ highpass width
bool[] Routes; // map of which inserts this insert routes to (length is equal to Project.MaxInsertCount)
InsertSlot[] Slots; // set of slots in insert (length is equal to Insert.MaxSlotCount)
Represents an effect slot in an insert. Has the following propertie: (all get; set;
int Volume; // volume of slot
int State; // slot state (0 = muted, 1 = enabled, 2 = solo)
All enums are in the Enums
static class.
List of FLP event types, used for parsing. Consult the source code for a list of values.
List of insert parameters, used for parsing. Consult the source code for a list of values.
Potential directions for generator channel's arpeggiator. Values are:
Off = 0
- no active arpUp = 1
- arp notes go upDown = 2
- arp notes go downUpDownBounce = 3
- arp notes bounce up and downUpDownSticky = 4
- arp notes stick up and downRandom
- random arp notes
Flags for inserts to specify their states. Values are:
ReversePolarity = 1
- reverse polarity of the insertSwapChannels = 1 << 1
- swap left and right channelsUnmute = 1 << 3
- insert is audibleDisableThreaded = 1 << 4
- threading is disabled on insertDockedMiddle = 1 << 6
- insert is docked to middleDockedRight = 1 << 7
- insert is docked to rightSeparator = 1 << 10
- insert has separator on leftLock = 1 << 11
- insert is lockedSolo = 1 << 12
- insert is solo'd (all other inserts will be muted)
Licensed under the GPL3 license. See the LICENSE file for more information.