A group data mining project using deep learning (LSTM) aiming at predicting the probability of occurence of particular events and the popularity of events. This project is granted "The Best Data Mining Project Award" of the University of Queensland in 2017
Source data:
Crawled news data on google drive:
Processed data:
Environment: numpy, scipy, tensorflow, keras, h5py, matplotlib
Require at leat one "attr-county" folder provided by processed data link above (need to unzip first)
Use following command to run (-p is compulsory, others are optional):
python3 [option parameter]
-p: the path of precessed events records for a certain country (any "attr-country" folder in the processed data link)
-s: step size, how long history to consider
-a: how many days look ahead (which day in the future to predict)
-e: training epochs
Environment: numpy, scipy, tensorflow, keras, nltk, h5py, gensim.
Require folder "news_50_num" (need to unzip first), and word embedding files "vocab_event100.pkl", "weights_event100.npy" provided by the processed data link above
Use following command to run (all options are optional):
python3 [option parameter]
-b: batch
-l: cutting length, i.e. how many words in the news to consider
-e: training epochs
Environment: R language:
1.copy the exact data in data/test.xlsx (X to AP)
2.z=read.table("clipboard",header=T)//import data in to z <- kmeans(z[,1:20], 3)//use build-in Kmeans function km results general preprocessing, including removing useless data, extract and count events and so on. special preprocessing for text analysis, including removing common words, stemming, and so on
hot_news_php/ : files for the webpage application about hot news recommendation
association_rule/ : codes association rules mining
cluster/ : files and results for clustering