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Refactored legacy_comex merged with registration comex server


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Community Explorer v.2


Community explorer is a platform for any open directory of users and themes (keywords). It can provide cross-filtered views of the directory members as charts and networks:

  • by name, themes or hashtags
  • by affiliation and country

It is deployed online at

Exemple map

It can also be deployed in your own lab or community thanks to:

Setting up the server

Running it directly [for development]

See doc/

Running it wrapped in docker [for production]


1) Get the app
git clone
2) Set up the doors connection

The only out-of-package dependency is an external authentication server called doors.

To deploy doors, follow the instructions at their repository

Then the environment variable DOORS_HOST must simply be set to your doors server's hostname or IP, and DOORS_PORT to the doors server's exposed port, or none if it's ports 80/443.

To set these simply access the config file:

nano config/parametres_comex.ini
3) Prepare mounted directories

The following 2 directories will be mounted inside the docker If you have no previous data, just create them empty.

# prepare the data/ directory (or copy one if you already have data)
mkdir data/shared_mysql_data

# prepare the logs/ directory
mkdir logs

Your sql data will always be there under data and the logs are under logs/services.log.

4) Run the docker
# build the components
cd setup/dockers
sudo docker-compose build

# run them and link them
sudo docker-compose up

# at this point your comex app is operational on http://localhost:8080
#                                  ----------------------------------
5) Optional: prepare static file

In your nginx conf below you can choose to shortcut to the static files directly without the docker. In this case do this additional step to adapt all relative paths inside the only static html file on this server (originating from the ProjectExplorer/TinawebJS package)

cd static/tinawebJS/
bash twtools/ 'static/tinawebJS/'
#                                 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
#                          your relative http route to the dir
6) Optional: Nginx

After docker-compose up, the app is accessible on http://localhost:8080.

We can ask nginx to reverse-proxy our app with a minimal conf:

# nginx exemple
server {
    listen 80;

    # proxy to the running docker container
    location / {

    # optional shortcut to static files w/o docker
    location /static {
        alias  /PATH/TO/YOUR/comex2/static;

See the detailed doc and a typical production conf file for a real-life configuration example.

Your app is now accessible directly on http://localhost.

Operational schema

#                                               |-------------------|
          your-server:80 or :443 <------------> |  Doors external   |
                   ___                          |    auth server    |
                    |                           |-------------------|
           |    your nginx    |
                    |                                    mounted data/ dir
                    |                                             |
        --------------------------------                          |
      / D O C K E R   C O N T A I N E R  \                        |
                    |                                             |
          |---------------------|                                 |
          |     inner  nginx    |                                 |
          |---------------------|                                 |
               /            \                                     |
              /              \                                    |
      (reverse proxy)        $host/                               |
      $host/services/           \                                 |
            |                    \                                |
 |----------------------------------------------|       |-----------------|
 |     (python3 server      +    php pages)     | <---> |  mysql docker   |
 |- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - +---------------|       |      with       |
 |                              |                       |  "comex_shared" |
 | services/api | services/user | <-------------------> |-----------------|

In production, you may want to have the app run at boot. In that case, see the startup script doc on this subject.

About the data

All user data and keywords list and occurrences are in a MySQL database in the app's directory data/shared_mysql_data,

Uploaded images are in data/shared_user_img.

DB structure

  • the DB name is comex_shared
  • scholars is the main table:
    • a local user id (aka luid) is the primary key
    • a unique external doors_uid (the user id for the entire lab)
    • a unique email
  • we have five related tables
    • orgs for labs and institutions
      • and sch_org for scholars <=> organisms mapping
    • keywords
      • and sch_kw for scholars <=> keywords mapping
    • hashtags
      • and sch_ht for scholars <=> hashtags mapping
    • jobs
      • and job_kw for jobs <=> keywords mapping
    • linked_ids for other ids of the researcher (eg: ORCID, not used yet)
More info

Full table structure is described in this documentation file.

Some common maintenance operations have example scripts in the setup/toolbox folder.

Exemple queries
-- ==========================
-- ==========================
FROM scholars
LEFT JOIN sch_org
    ON luid = sch_org.uid
JOIN orgs
    ON orgs.orgid = sch_org.orgid ;

-- NB: scholars <=> orgs is a one-to-many relationship
--     so this can return multiple lines
--  => in the app we use GROUP_CONCAT(orgs.label) or GROUP_CONCAT(orgs.toarray)
--     to fit in the scholars cardinality)

-- ==================================
-- ==================================
    COUNT(keywords.kwid) AS keywords_nb,
    GROUP_CONCAT(kwstr) AS keywords_list
FROM scholars
JOIN sch_kw
    ON luid = uid
JOIN keywords
    ON sch_kw.kwid = keywords.kwid
GROUP BY uid ;

User and registration service

The comex app was refactored and merged in dec 2016 with a new registration form server

  • the form is served by flask and uses javascript functions for validation etc
  • the registration credentials are transmitted to an authentication portal: Doors prototype
  • the answers are POSTed back to server that writes new users in a local DB

More info in doc/ directory

Project History Overview

This project first started as a side-project of the EU FET Funded TINA project (2009-2011) coordinated by David Chavalarias (CNRS). It was endorsed by the Complex Systems Institute of Paris Ile-de-France (ISC-PIF), the Complex Systems Society and the French National Network for Complex Systems.

The development have been conducted under the scientific supervision of David Chavalarias :

  • The core of the plateform is based on the TinawebJS online bipartite graph visualization software developed at CNRS/ISC-PIF by Julian Bilke (2009-2011) and Samuel Castillo (2012-2015).
  • The community explorer was refactored by Romain Loth (CNRS/ISC-PIF) in 2016-2017 for a more flexible deployment, enhanced data matching apis, job board functions and better user interface.
  • The community explorer use the DOORS platform for user identification (

See the Community Explorer Software Copyright (c) 2017 CNRS ISC-PIF -

Licences: - GNU aGPLV3 - a CECILL variant affero compliant


Refactored legacy_comex merged with registration comex server







No packages published

Contributors 3
