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Alex Olshansky edited this page Aug 7, 2015 · 4 revisions

Infoboxer is created by me, but I don't put it in my personal GitHub. Infoboxer is a first part of a huge and ambitious Molybdenum project, which is an attempt to create a set of scientific and quasi-scientific libraries Ruby lacks.

The word "molybdenum" is not-so-clever pun¹ on Wolfram Langauge, which is my main inspiration -- not in syntax or semantics, but in the set of features that should be available in a single line of code.

¹ Both wolfram and molybdenum are of same class of refractory metals.

Finally, organization's name, "molybdenum-99", relates to Molybdenum-99 isotope, which is very rare and very useful (and also, to the fact that "molybdenum" was taken).