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ElJeffe edited this page Aug 2, 2022 · 13 revisions

RootTheBox comes included with an easy to use docker-compose configuration intended for development use.


This assumes you have Git, Docker and docker-compose installed.

Clone RootTheBox

  1. Clone the Github repo, git clone
  2. Switch into the repo directory, cd RootTheBox

Update the container (if needed)

To check your version -

  1. Switch into the repo directory, cd RootTheBox
  2. git log -1 --oneline

Check your version against the latest located at
Look for the line that says "Latest commit "number" "

Update your container

  1. Switch into the repo directory, cd RootTheBox
  2. git stash (stashes any local changes)
  3. git pull
  4. docker-compose build

Run RootTheBox

Note: If running Windows, you may need to share your drive for the Linux container under docker application settings.

docker-compose up
or if using v2
docker compose up

Site: http://localhost:8888

Login: admin Password: rootthebox


Adding "--debug" as an ENTRYPOINT argument in the Dockerfile will enable debugging / stack trace in the console. For more information on debug options, see debugging