- Python v3.10.5
- Django v4.1.1
- Djangorestframework v3.14.0
- SQLite
GET PASSENGERS' LIST | GET | /api/passengers |
GET BUS SCHEDULE LIST | GET | /api/bus-schedule-chart |
RESERVE SEATS | POST | /api/reserve/ |
note : for now, mostly ModelViewSet has been used for the sake of ease of use, subject to change if the app is further developed
- passengers endpoint shows passenger list (readonly)
- bus schedule chart shows all the bus schedule along with number of seats booked for each bus scheduled
- bus listing gets removed from the chart once reservation reaches the limit 35 ( assuming each has 35 available seats )
- reserve end points create reservation by taking passenger details and bus travel id ( the id that is auto generated during object creation has been assumed as travel id)