This project implements different Computer Vision Deep Learning Models as a service. It presents the capabilities of these models for creating ML applications.
It contains 3 pre-trained DL models which can be used in image processing and recognition.
The DL models are deployed as microservices and you can embed them on any application with one line of code using the provided Models API endpoints.
Currently, Deployed Deep Learning Models:
Super Resolution service is a Deep Learning model to enhance low resolution image to high quality image.
The service is based on Single Image Super Resolution (SISR) deep learning model which is available on Open Model Zoo, check this page for more info.
Super Resolution is the process of enhancing the quality of an image by increasing the pixel count using deep learning.
- The model (Neural Network) expects inputs with a width of 480, height of 270.
- The model returns images with a width of 1920, height of 1080.
- The image sides are upsampled by a factor 4. The new image is 16 times as large as the original image.
In brief:
- Input image should be: 480x270 resolution.
- Output image : 1920x1080 resolution.
It has applications in a number of domains including surveillance and security, medical imagery and enhancing Satellite images from the space.
You can use image samples in the /sample_images directory to test it on the model.
Layout Parser is a Deep Learning model for Document Image Analysis.
It provides the following functionality:
layoutparser can be used for conveniently OCR documents and convert the output into structured data.
With the help of Deep Learning, layoutparser supports the analysis of very complex documents and processing of the hierarchical structure in the layouts.
You can check full documentation of the project on this GitHub repository.
The project consists of the following:
Models API : Flask web service that provides inference endpoints for each deep learning model. This service is the core of the project and other services will be integrated with it in order to process input image and recognize it.
Super Resolution App: Streamlit data service integrated with models API service to enhance low resolution image to high resolution image by requesting single image super resolution inference endpoint of models API for each input image.
Layout Parser App: Streamlit data service integrated with modles API service to detect layout different regions (Text region, Image region) for any document image. Also it can recognize text in text region using Layout OCR model and return the recognized text. Layout Parser deep learning model can be used to recognize and segment figure and text region in any document image and extract the data from them.
You can call the model by sending post request to this Models API endpoint with the input image as paramater
endpoint = "http://localhost:5000/models/super_resolution" image_source = "images/space.jpg" image = cv2.imread(image_source) res =, json={'image': image.tolist()})
It will return response in json format containing the key super
for result image.
You can call the model detect layout inference by sending post request to this Models API endpoint with the input image as paramater
endpoint = "http://localhost:5000/models/layout_parser" image_source = "images/newspaper.jpg" image = cv2.imread(image_source) res =, json={'image': image.tolist()})
It will return response in json format containing the key layout
for result image.
Also You can extract the text data from layout using OCR agent by sending post request to this Models API endpoint with the input image as paramater
endpoint = "http://localhost:5000/models/layout_parser/get_text" image_source = "images/newspaper.jpg" image = cv2.imread(image_source) res =, json={'image': image.tolist()})
It will return response in json format containing the key layout_text
for result text.
You can check this notebook for live demo of calling models inference by Models API endpoints.
The project root directory containing different docker-compose
files for running each model application.
Each service has its own Dockerfile
for deploying and running it using Docker engine.
The docker compose files:
- This compose file for deploying and running Super Resolution Streamlit App with the integrated Models API service.
Run the following command to build and run it in detach mode:
docker-compose -f up -d
to check the running containers:
docker-compose -f ps
or just use:
docker ps
You can stop running it using the command:
docker-compose -f down
docker-compose.lp: This compose file for deploying and running Layout Parser Streamlit App with the integrated Models API service.
Run the following command to build and run it in detach mode:
docker-compose -f docker-compose.lp.yml up -d
docker-compose: Default compose file for just deploying and running Models API service.
Run the following command to build and run it in detach mode:
docker-compose up -d
Models API
service listen to port 5000
using the url:
application listen to the port 8501
using the url: