Releases: modxcms/evolution
MODX Evolution 1.2.1RC
- [GitHub:#2a825d8] - [F] #1115 fix ditto paginate show(Dmi3yy)
- [GitHub:#9c73a69] - [F] Modifire parse issue (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#b691cfb] - [F] Empty placeholder parse issue (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#660163d] - [F] Issue of nesting tags (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#b264cb5] - [R] #1124 Refactor/Restyle Files Manager (Nicola Lambathakis)
- [GitHub:#8368ea1] - [I] #1124 Files Manager icons with Font Awesome (Nicola Lambathakis)
- [GitHub:#fb722d8] - [I] #1124 added styles for restyled Files Manager (Nicola Lambathakis)
- [GitHub:#b835fea] - [I] #1124 added missing string files_directory_is_empty (Files Manager) (Nicola Lambathakis)
- [GitHub:#ecbe34e] - [R] Update weblink help (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#c378b24] - [R] only load js once if weblink (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#ecb4d1b] - [R] Update style.css (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#345c5b3] - [I] #1131 Add file insert button for weblink field (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#4924745] - [F] Nesting level from 10 to 200 (Dmi3yy)
- [GitHub:#23ba9a2] - [F] fix virtualDir warning (Dmi3yy)
- [GitHub:#86a50ae] - [F] fix $_GET[‘q’] in sendStrictURI (Dmi3yy)
- [GitHub:#1ed16a8] - [F] error if empty $options in tinymce (Dmi3yy)
- [GitHub:#c08383c] - [F] #1130 Tabs FileManager and FileBrowser missing (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#280a653] - [I] #1027 Added "OK"-button to datePicker for mobile devices (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#caa8c74] - [I] $modx->parseText() (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#173b403] - [F] var@docid
- [GitHub:#030e64e] - [O] Small improvements - added if (!('sendBeacon' in navigator)) before polyFill - added MODX_MANAGER_URL - added if(top.mainMenu) (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#ee27843] - [F] Clean-up expired locks at login #1119 (comment) (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#484c969] - [F] Remove all locks when no valid user sessions exist to avoid confusion #1119 (comment) (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#e226e5f] - [F] #1120 QM: Added periodical server-ping to assure keeping session and related locks alive (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#e6f3145] - [I] #1124 Filemanager: Added duplicateFile, renameFolder, renameFile (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#d5a7f19] - [F] Images not visible Apache 2.0 (Marc)
- [GitHub:#5671bc6] - [F] TinyMCE4 icon font style fix (Marc)
- [GitHub:#4ac8c1b] - [C] $modx->evalSnippets() (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#cec120b] - [F] Set lock-expire minimum fallback to 120 seconds / 2min (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#7a2d630] - [F] #1089 Issue of snippet call (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#7dbcc9c] - [F] fix #1107 error with plugin ajaxSubmit (Dmi3yy)
- [GitHub:#e48100e] - [R] TinyMCE4 restyle (Marc)
- [GitHub:#a0fd6ec] - [F] typo in wayfinder/examples/cssplay/dropline.css (Nicola Lambathakis)
- [GitHub:#6028fb8] - [F] ditto & ajaxsearch etomite_charset > modx_charset (Nicola Lambathakis)
- [GitHub:#0579d1d] - [I] new language string element_filter_msg (Nicola Lambathakis)
- [GitHub:#633dd49] - [F] various fixes to manager elements (Nicola Lambathakis)
- [GitHub:#2e7bfac] - [R] Update plugin.filesource.php (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#ee25dde] - [R] Update mutate_plugin.dynamic.php (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#3355344] - [R] Update mutate_snippet.dynamic.php (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#582cbb2] - [R] Update mutate_snippet.dynamic.php (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#a9fc31a] - [R] Update mutate_htmlsnippet.dynamic.php (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#78b201a] - [R] Update mutate_tmplvars.dynamic.php (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#53f7651] - [R] Update mutate_templates.dynamic.php (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#0076143] - [R] Update mutate_module.dynamic.php (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#f1bb21b] - [R] Update mutate_plugin.dynamic.php (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#e334269] - [R] Update mutate_tmplvars.dynamic.php (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#6f4486f] - [R] Update mutate_templates.dynamic.php (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#6bc3a77] - [R] Update mutate_module.dynamic.php (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#0bd2f33] - [F] #1026 Standard input label format, remove colon (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#da91183] - [I] Other languages fonts update (Piotr Matysiak)
- [GitHub:#3a4087d] - [F] #1110 not detected (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#fbb2ac7] - [I] MODxRE2 Top nav lvl 2 darker hover (Piotr Matysiak)
- [GitHub:#f9143a7] - [I] MODxRE2 theme improvements (Piotr Matysiak)
- [GitHub:#b6afe95] - [I] Installer styles (Piotr Matysiak)
- [GitHub:#9feea66] - [D] logo.png not used (Dmi3yy)
- [GitHub:#3b0fe5f] - [F] #1089 Not work nested values in snippet call (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#73f98a8] - [I] need more tests, for fix aliasListing + alias_visible (Dmi3yy)
- [GitHub:#6c313d8] - [R] $modx->atBindFileContent() (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#1c0e026] - [F] #1097 The login state is synchronized at multiple sites (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#d8bdd8b] - [R] (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#9f18969] - [F] #109 Document Manager Layout (Nicola Lambathakis)
- [GitHub:#2de6a5c] - [R] $modx->atBindInclude() (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#926c1a0] - [R] $modx->parseDocumentSource() (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#2eaea99] - [F] Nested snippet call issue (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#596902f] - [I] $modx->getExtFromFilename() (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#8c07d55] - [R] (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#37fe7bb] - [F] #1092 TV @file binding not working (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#80003c8] - [R] Replace ProcessFile() to $modx->atBindFileContent() (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#f23f24a] - [I] new - $modx->atBindFileContent() (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#ab3b1d2] - [S] Security: Set false $GLOBALS at $modx->safeEval() (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#0fe2f02] - [F] Fix - $modx->cleanUpMODXTags() (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#bc44f6d] - [D] Remove comment out (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#4420c57] - [I] Showing $modx->dumpSnippets (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#7f1c22a] - [F] - Malfunction when PHx plugin is installed (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#39b10fc] - [F] Does not work if PHx plugin is installed (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#bbc580d] - [F] #1091 F: Show also uncategorized elements in category-view (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#252d2f7] - [F] #1086 F: Convert tree-translations to UTF-8 before json_encode() (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#1b200fa] - [F] #1054 F: Enter-key updates datefield now, but only when entered time is valid, instead of empty it. Prepared "dp.lastValidDate" to add validation-check of dates directly entered into datefield. (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#b2d922e] - [F]#1086 F: Convert tree-translations to UTF-8 before json_encode() (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#9830311] - [F] #1081 F: Added missing buttons and organized toolbars more clean (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#21fabe6] - [F] Ditto - sql error of &documents parameter (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#e39b9d6] - [F] #1089 Ditto - Be sure to expand [!uncached!] in tpl-chunk (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#7eaea30] - [F] #1089 F: Cached and nested snippets not working (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#3d1f883] - [F] #1049 Translation missing on dashboard (Nicola Lambathakis)
- [GitHub:#09fca84] - [R] OnManagerMainFrameHeaderHTMLBlock for Extras module (Nicola Lambathakis)
- [GitHub:#f005214] - [R] OnManagerMainFrameHeaderHTMLBlock for DocManager module (Nicola Lambathakis)
- [GitHub:#e6891de] - [F] Adapted "active_users" to new mechanismn, related to #945 (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#e29249c] - [F] Fixed input height (Sasha Beep)
- [GitHub:#bbf78bb] - [I] #1081 I: Added "browser-spellcheck" to plugin-config - extras-evolution/tinymce4-for-modx-evo#26 (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#ae04d3f] - [F] #1083 F: Wayfinder not display correct restricted documents (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#10b0549] - [D] Remove 'recently edited' and 'online users' from System Info Report (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#532e4c0] - [R] Refactor: Installer (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#2e319be] - [F] tinymce block to - class (Dmi3yy)
- [GitHub:#153a43b] - [F] Demo content ur alias spelling mistake (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#e018213] - [R] Update - language fles (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#50798ed] - [R] Update (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#bb5905b] - [R] Update login.processor.php (Mr B)
- [GitHub:#32e27ad] - [F] Added message "Please disable register_globals!" (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#80ced52] - [F] fix #1067 (Dmi3yy)
- [GitHub:#ab44760] - [F] Strange behaviour in Chrome with content sometimes being empty on init (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#18ba4f0] - [O] #1035 #1051 O: Use removeSanitizeSeed() instead of manual procedure Deesen@842a844#commitcomment-20100812 (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#9887de9] - [F] #1067 F: Prepare placeholders [#longtitle] and [#content] for TinyMCE4 inline-edit (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#2ff1ef7] - [F] #1067 F: TinyMCE4 inline-edit not working, clean "data-mce"-attr (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#cdfbb6b] - [R] start fix error with AliasListingFolder and Alias_visible (Dmi3yy)
- [GitHub:#851ace5] - [R] Code cleanup: Unnecessary function (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#1af30f6] - [F] #1066 Fix: password string as is (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#2608765] - [I] #1066 I: Adjust incorrect sanitize processing (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#9206d5c] - [F] Fix: Don't work "math" option in If snippet (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#c6e8e20] - [F] Fix: Error Undefined variable (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#3c17ce3] - [O] #200 O: Make "Duplicate of" translatable when duplicating elements/resources (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#f54e9ca] - [F] #1054 F: Reinstate enter-key to close datepicker without submitting form (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#d3c0b9a] - [R] Refactor: Modifier class debug info (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#5a8f654] - [F] Fix: Parse modifier (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#57d5ab5] - [F] Fix: php parse error (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#9909b64] - [F] #979 404 judgment of URL with path_info information (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#2712ba4] - [F] Fix: Modifier at custom_widget (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#cc3585d] - [F] #1017 Fix: related to incorrect value of $rb_base_dir (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#ae2d2e4] - [F] Code cleanup: prepare fix url issue (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#78d9255] - [R] Renamed $onLoginForwardToAction to $initMainframeAction (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#696a0c3] - [F] Site name with apostrophy breaks manager home (yamamoto)
- [GitHub:#cbb0a6b] - [F] #1052 F: Show menutitle also if empty, instead of pagetitle (Deesen)
- [GitHub:#0464915] - [F] #1057 F+O: Fixed "forgotManagerLogin" use "user_attributes.lastlogin" inst...
MODX Evolution 1.2
Merge pull request #1036 from modxcms/develop 1.2
MODX Evolution 1.2-RC2
1.2RC2 Merge branch 'develop' of into d…
MODX Evolution 1.2-RC1
Merge pull request #1004 from Deesen/develop Small fixes
1.1 should be seen as a mandatory update / upgrade for all users of MODX Evo 1.0.15 and below.
The 1.1 release has a multitude of changes that increase the capabilities of Evo even further.
- Bugfixes: 44
- Refactor: 35
- Additional Improvements & Updates: 35
- Commits: 322
- Files changed: 293
- Participants: 21
The breakdown of modifications shows how much work and time has been invested by all of those who helped to make 1.1 a reality.
All of the team involved have secured the future of Evo as it is now fully compatible with PHP 5.x => PHP 7.
The Evo Dev team behind these changes include:
- Dmytro Lukianenko (
- D.Helfensteller (
- Agel_Nash (
- Sergey Davydov (
- Kari Söderholm (
- YAMA (
- Thomas Jakobi (
- and: Zevseg, Segr, TimGS, jasonabird, bossloper, Eoler, fourroses666, rpre, pmfx, kulmjens, MaXL-ru, janniconl, Fess7, esszett
And thanks go out to those users who took the time to test changes made to the system and who contributed bug reports.
Important changes to note:
-Deprecated Mysql replaced with Mysqli, to ensure compatibility with PHP 5.6 +
-Manager no-longer uses a frameset, it now uses iFrames
-New manager setting "AliasListingFolder" - Setting => Friendly URLs (tested with 1000000 documents, no more limits for documents)
-DocLister is now a default snippet - can be found in the RTFM, courtesy of "kp52" who translated the official Russian documentation
-All modifications and changes can be viewed in the
MODX Evolution 1.1RC2
version 1.1RC2
MODX Evolution 1.1RC
- Fully support PHP7
- set MySqli by Default
- refactor FRAMESET to iFrame
- mainIframe remember scroll position after Save
- now work CTRL + S or CMD + S
- update CodeMirror main script to 5.6 (Now work on iOS)
- add new Event: onBeforeLoadExtension, OnBeforeLoadDocumentObject, OnAfterLoadDocumentObject, OnParseProperties, OnMakePageCacheKey, OnDocFormUnDelete, OnManagerMenuPrerender, OnDocFormTemplateRender, OnFileBrowserUpload, OnMakeDocUrl
- Breadcrumbs 1.0.5 (add param: ignoreAliasVisible)
- Ditto fix &start=0
- Move Folder frame to Theme forder (now can do any change and not take core files)
- refactor topMenu - now easy change on event (OnManagerMenuPrerender)
- AliasListing only for Folders - on/off in settings(Friendly URL tab) - no more 10 000 limit for Documents
- add custom tv in Select (not need use @include... only select from list)
MODX Evolution 1.0.15
- Various security fixes including Jot fix and cookie handling
- Added MySQLi extender for PHP 5.5. support
- Updates to Wayfinder and eForm
- Many Language Translation Updates
- Complete changelog
MODX Evolution 1.0.14
- Use modx_charset for non japanese languages als mail charset
- Send system mails as text
- Detailed error mail
- New design of installer like Revo
- Keep original publish state, publishedon, publishedby on save
- Use published='all' for one query
- Updated language entries
- @@eval at the TV form
- TinyMCE 3.5.11
- Fix SQL injection vulnerability in manager
- Fix XSS vulnerability in manager
- Security-Update AjaxSearch to 1.10.1
- A lot of bugfixes
MODX Evolution 1.0.13
- KCFinder - change uploaded image/file names with TransAlias
- ManagerManager updated up to 0.6.1
- Updated API functions: clearCache, now you can call it with parameter full (
) - Updated API functions: getDocuments, getTemplateVars, getTemplateVarOutput, getDocumentChildren, getDocumentChildrenTVarOutput, you can call getDocumentChildren with parameter
for view all documents (not only published or unpublished, and the same with deleted) - Updated Wayfinder to 2.0.2 (available document specific placeholders [+pagetitle+], [+longtitle+] etc.; fixed work of @inherit for custom TVs)
- Managers with role = 1 can see all documents in manager panel and in frontend (in earlier versions documents with restrinctions to special groups could not be seen by those manager users)
- Added API function: $modx->parseText()
- Added document ID to title during editing document, also added to QM+
- Breadcrumbs 1.0.4 (you can exclude documents with the specified templates)
- phpthumb 1.2 (if images on page processed already, phpthumb class will not included)
- eForm 1.4.5 (added parameters: &attachmentFields/&attachmentPath)
- FirstChildRedirect 2.0 (added parameters: &default, &sortBy, &sortDir, &responseCode)