What is multi-vendor marketplace software?
Based on our experience with open-source multi-vendor marketplace development, we will guide you through the whole process as partners to make sure it meets all your needs.
A multi-vendor marketplace platform is basically an eCommerce platform, where many independent vendors can sell their own products. It may cover all the essential features. There are few types of marketplace platforms that we have already worked on with our clients all over the world. Some of the multi-vendor marketplaces do not even look different from classic eCommerce. We base our multi-vendor marketplaces on open-source marketplace software.
A marketplace that is based on commission from vendors, each transaction has included a commission for the marketplace owner.
A marketplace that is based on a subscription model for vendors, each vendor pays a monthly/annual fee for being able to use the platform.
A marketplace where you can clearly see that the store is basically a marketplace and you can apply to become a vendor by yourself.
Hidden marketplace platform
A marketplace that looks like a basic eCommerce store from the front side, but there is a marketplace functionality existing behind the scenes.
Onboarding tools for new vendors to start the sales processes as soon & efficiently as possible.
Vendor panel on the front-end with access to all the mentioned tools for effective work management.
The ultimate control over the e-store to control the merchants, products & customer relationships to keep it at the highest possible level.
Payment area & configuration for vendors helps to provide the customer with multiple payment options.
Information about orders is crucial to optimize the process of delivery. To achieve that, we provide a possibility to track orders by vendors.
Created for both vendors & shop admin in two separate areas for advanced tracking and analysis of the sales.
A possibility to connect VendorsAdminCustomers in any relations.
One of two options for the Multi-vendor marketplace models, based on subscription or commission models for vendors.
The multi-vendor marketplace built on top of the open-source software is able to scale up to a very large number of vendors.