- Moditha Sulakshana (me)
- Jack-Hollis-London - GitHub
while at the root of car-share repo
pip3 install --upgrade pip
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
while still in venv at root of car-share repo
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: Installation may crash while downloading all the requirements. This is okay, run the install command again, it will start off loading cached downloads, then download some more. Keep restarting the installation until it successfully installs and exits without errors.
# FLASK_APP is the location of the flask app relative to the root of the car-share repository -
echo export FLASK_APP=master_pi/flasksite >> venv/bin/activate
# This will enable development mode
echo export FLASK_ENV=development >> venv/bin/activate
# activate venv with new export settings
source venv/bin/activate
The configuration in this file contains data you as a developer may want to keep secret, such as database passwords and the app's secret key used for encrypting sessions, passwords, and cookies etc. Your configuration will look something like this if your MySQL database is running on your machine and can be accessed by localhost. You may or may not have a password depending on whether you've set a password on your MySQL database. The Oracle MySQL installer will let you set a password.
If Using GCP instead of a local MySQL db, you need another config. You will need to change what Configuration is imported in master_pi/flasksite/__init__.py
from master_pi.utils import get_sqlalchemy_config
class __Config:
DEBUG = False
# This is the config we are using
class _DevelopmentConfig(__Config):
DEBUG = True
SECRET_KEY = '8096fca8544fc48d3cf7767a43f61fe5'
'host': 'localhost',
'database': 'css_db',
'user': 'root',
'password': 'password',
class __RaspberryTestingConfig(_DevelopmentConfig):
'host': '',
'database': 'test_db',
'user': 'username',
'password': 'password',
class __TestingConfig():
WTF_CSRF_ENABLED = False # enable in production
class __DevelopmentTestingConfig(__TestingConfig, _DevelopmentConfig):
def __init__(self):
_DevelopmentConfig.DATABASE.update({'database': 'test_db'})
# For testing inside docker
class _DockerTestingConfig(__DevelopmentTestingConfig):
'host': 'host.docker.internal', # docker host localhost proxy
'database': 'test_db',
'user': 'root',
'password': 'password',
class __GCPConfig(_DevelopmentConfig):
# GCP database parameters
'host': '',
'database': 'test_db',
'user': 'rootest',
'password': '@Rootpass420',
class __GCPTestingConfig(__TestingConfig, __GCPConfig):
"docker": get_sqlalchemy_config(_DockerTestingConfig),
"native": get_sqlalchemy_config(__DevelopmentTestingConfig),
"GCP": get_sqlalchemy_config(__GCPTestingConfig),
UseDevelopmentConfig = get_sqlalchemy_config(_DevelopmentConfig)
pip install -e .
First you need to run the flask server to register the populate-db
with flask, then exit out of the server, run the populate-db
command, now you
can run the flask server again with the database ready.
flask run
ctrl-c # or however you stop the flask server
flask populate-db
flask run
In order for facial recognition to work, the python packages imutils an cv2 need
to be installed. These packages are not installed by default. If you have set up
these packages on your device, you can enable facial recognition by setting the
environment variables FACE_RECOG=ENABLED
, IS_PI=True
export IS_PI=True
Or enable it automatically when entering virtual environment
echo export FACE_RECOG=ENABLED >> venv/bin/activate
echo export IS_PI=True >> venv/bin/activate
echo export ENABLE_SOCKETS=True >> venv/bin/activate
Secondly, the repository's python virtual envorinment can only access cv2 and
friends if the venv has access to system site packages. To check this, open
venv/pyvenv.cfg. Make sure include-system-site-packages = true
like this:
home = /usr/bin
include-system-site-packages = true
version = 3.5.3
If you've had to change this from false to true, you will need to exit and reenter the venv for the changes to take effect. To make sure it has worked, try:
(venv) $ python3
import cv2
Thirdly, make sure the "haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml" classifier file is present in the instance directory at the of the repository. The instance folder will be created by the facial recognition module the first time it is run. An Exception will be raised giving the address of where the ""haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml" should be located.
As linux packes need to be installed manually, so does the bluetooth python package
sudo apt install libbluetooth-dev bluetooth bluez python-bluez blueman
pip3 install pybluez
Once these pacackages are installed, bluetooth can be enabled with env var ENABLE_BLUETOOTH
To be able to access the flask site from beyond your own computer, you can use
as python wysgi web server. Using waitress on a raspberry pi, the
flask site can be accessed from your local area network at
pip install waitress
waitress-serve --call 'master_pi.flasksite:create_app'
If you are not already, go to the root directory of the project. Once there, run this command to generate the gRPC pb2 and pb2_grpc python code.
python3 -m grpc_tools.protoc -I proto --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. proto/css_rpc/*.proto
The grpc modules can now be imported.
If a change is made to a proto file, you will need to generate the pb2 and pb2_grpc python code again to see the changes in the system.
Using QR Code service requires installing pyzbar
package, this is only
available on configurations specifically have support for it.
pip install pyzbar
In order for flasksite to make requests to a car socket service, the env var
is to be enabled. If you have already added env vars to enable
facial recognition, ENABLE_SOCKETS
will be included already.
add global python packages to venv via
venv/pyvenv.cfg/include-system-site-packages = True
set environment variables according to participating machines' properties
start waitress-serve
of flasksite
start masterservice.py
start agent.py
service for each car being used
If when you try to import from the css_rpc module, python cannot find the css_rpc module, you may need to reinstall the project so that python knows where to look for the css_rpc module.
pip install -e .
Testing Suite credit to https://github.com/coding-geographies/dockerized-pytest-course
Install Docker (Optional, pytest can from venv)
- These tests have been packaged to run with all dependencies installed within a Docker container. The Docker image is based on python 3.5-slim
To run open a shell
docker-compose build
docker-compose run test bash
This will open the docker shell and you can run one of the following commands:
Before running tests you need to make sure your tests are using the right
database. By default, tests will run on GCP. If you have a local database, tests
will run faster. To switch, export the environment variable TESTING_ENV
export TESTING_ENV=native
change back
To enable testing GRPC socket services, configure the following environment variables
### Running Tests
_Run the entire test suite_
Run the tests for a certain test or file matching a keyword
pytest -k <test_file_name>
Run tests while printing all variables and verbose output
pytest -vvl
Create coverage report html file for certain modules
pytest --cov --cov-report=html master_pi/ agent_pi/ tests/ facial_recognition/
Stop pytest from capturing stdout
pytest --capture=no
Stop testing the first time a test is failed
pytest -x
To exit the shell
If you'd like to debug a piece of code, you can add the following built-in
function to a section of the code to enter into the pdb debugger while running
pytest. - breakpoint()
- This is useful for getting initial test output