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Astah plugin ideas

The following repository contains all the ideas that we came up for Astah, a great modeling tool. If you would like to implement any of these ideas, feel free to contact me, I am happy to support you.

Import schema structure from SQL database

Import schema structure from an SQL database into Astah.

UML Profile editor plugin [done]

Currently Astah SysML is not able to create custom profiles with tags, only internal profiles, however, it is able to import external profiles. One way to create a profile is to use Eclipse UML, described on the following page:

It would be beneficial to have the profile editing capability inside Astah, instead of needing to open a 3rd party tool.

  • Create a new profile
  • Load profile from file
  • Save profile to file
  • Add stereotypes to the profile
  • Set metaclass for stereotypes
  • Add tags to stereotypes
  • Set type for a tag
  • Able to update a model file with changes, handle only addition, and not removal

Diagram helper plugin [done]

Everyone hates pixel pushing, it makes modeling so not fun. Let's make it more fun!

  • Straighten line (remove additional point, keep only the start and end point)
  • Input coordinates (display x,y coordinate, width and height, and allow modification of it by entering new values. Could keep also aspect ratio. Also could keep connection points.
  • Snap to pixel

Rich text editor [partially done]

For documenting model elements Astah only provides a text area. In this plugin, when the user select a model element, the associated documentation would be visible in the rich text editor. When the user deselects a model element, then it the editor will be empty and disabled. When user selects multiple elements, the editor will be likewise empty and disabled.


  • bold
  • italic
  • align (left, right, center, justify)
  • color (background, foreground)
  • list
  • numbering
  • table
  • link
  • image?
  • undo/redo support
  • etc.

Legend [done]


In some diagrams we would like to color certain elements based on certain rules. The plugin could do the following:

  • Define legend (name and legend items)
  • Define legend item (text color, background color, etc. and the rule)
  • Allocate a legend to one or multiple diagrams
  • See which legends are allocated to the diagram
  • Apply legend on the diagram

Plugin manager and plugin server

In a corporate environment it is really difficult to distribute plugins. The plugin manager allows users to download plugins from a configured repository on demand.


  • Server hosts plugin bundles
  • Configure multiple plugin servers / repositories
  • Nexus? Reposilite?
  • List plugins
  • Search for plugin
  • Filter plugins by type
  • Notify user when a new version of an installed plugin is available
  • Check digital signature before install
  • Use some well defined repository as source
  • etc.

OpenAPI import [in progress]

When working with software systems often we need to integrate with API-s described in a form of OpenAPI (Swagger) specification. The OpenAPI import plugin would import an OpenAPI specification into the model.


  • OpenAPI file selector
  • List available endpoints, allow selection only a subsets of endpoints
  • Create interfaces, operations, requests, responses, etc.
  • Customization: which is the counterpart of an OpenAPI concept (stereotype, etc.)

Generic table

We often need to list certain model elements and filter among them. The plugin would allow to display a list of elements of a certain type in a form of a table, probably under a package.


  • List elements of a certain package
  • Select columns
  • Filter elements based on a rule (groovy?)
  • Find element in tree
  • Create new model element (for example requirement)
  • Export to CSV/Excel


Display statistics of the model. Number of model elements, by type, number of diagrams, by type, etc.

OSLC support

This is a challenging but super interesting task. Add OSLC client support to Astah so that a connection to an OSLC server could be built up. A good starting point could be an integration to requirements part of the following reference implementation:

Model import without Astah

Being able to offline import a model and run for example validation rules on it. It would be great if we could put a model in a CI/CD environment and have a git hook to run verification / model transformation.

HTML generation

Export a document into a HTML.

Model server

A model server could get a model file and serve it to various interfaces. OSLC, REST, etc. It could also support locking/version management.


Various ideas of plugins for the Astah modeling tool








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