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So you wanna build the site? is built using Jekyll, the popular static site generator.


  • Ruby
  • RubyGems
  • Bundler
  • (Optional) Node.js v4.0.0 or greater


  1. Clone this repo
  2. Execute npm install and follow the directions.

Mac users: You may need to install Xcode command line tools if bundle install fails. Execute xcode-select --install if so.


  • Node.js is only necessary if you need to rebuild the table of contents.
  • To serve the site and rebuild as changes are made, execute npm start serve.
  • To rebuild the site once, execute npm start build.
  • To update the table of contents, execute: npm start toc. This will only alter; it will not rebuild the site unless npm start serve is running in another process.
  • The _site directory is where the generated static site lives (and is what you see at It is not under version control.
  • Gemfile.lock is ignored as to always get the latest github-pages gem.


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Code licensed MIT.