Natural Language Processing using Transformers
asmaM1 - Asma Motmem 3769398
KushalGaywala - Kushal Gaywala 3769104
mmshress - Mohit Shrestha 3769398
sid-code14 - Siddhant Tripathi 3768501
- python >= 3.11
- pip >= 21.3
git clone
cd INLP-WS23
Unprocessed data and relevant data
git clone
Final 511 corpus Indexed, with evaluation small (20 documents) corpus Indexed.
python --version
- if not 3.11 then install python 3.11, from here
- once installed
- Now, use that path to create a virtual environment
/path/to/python3.11 -m venv .env
# on windows,
## in powershell
## in cmd
# on linux
source .env/bin/activate
python -m pip install .
python -m pip install -e '.[dev]'
pre-commit install
llmlegalassistant answer -q <query>
llmlegalassistant answer --query <query>
- If you want to use OpenAI model for inference then provide a key with
flag - If you want to use LLaMA from HuggingFace then provide your key with
flag - we use
which is Quantized with 4-bit Medium,Q4_K_M
llmlegalassistant [commands] [options]
llmlegalassistant --help
author = {Asma Motmem and Siddthant Tripathi and Kushal Gaywala and Mohit Shrestha},
title = {LLMLegalAssistant: A question answering for EU law},
month = mar,
year = 2024,
publisher = {GitHub},
version = {0.1},
url = {}