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Matt Meents edited this page Jul 27, 2024 · 1 revision

Welcome to the Apiary wiki!

So as you can see from my follower count I have been using the app. Am looking to add a button to export the top 100 users so working out a template here... Here is current top 100

  1. defunkt 2. tj 3. ry 4. paulirish 5. jeresig
  2. sindresorhus 7. isaacs 8. rauchg 9. max-mapper 10. mojombo
  3. mikeal 12. rtomayko 13. creationix 14. addyosmani 15. mafintosh
  4. gaearon 17. dominictarr 18. jashkenas 19. simonw 20. wycats
  5. technoweenie 22. douglascrockford 23. feross 24. TooTallNate 25. nat
  6. mrdoob 27. domenic 28. leah 29. indutny 30. torvalds
  7. mathiasbynens 32. muan 33. holman 34. rsms 35. mdo
  8. schacon 37. Marak 38. josh 39. igrigorik 40. heapwolf
  9. mikolalysenko 42. tmm1 43. mbostock 44. Raynos 45. evanw
  10. progrium 47. tenderlove 48. jlord 49. bradfitz 50. indexzero
  11. fat 52. kneath 53. atmos 54. mattt 55. rvagg
  12. cloudhead 57. yoshuawuyts 58. chrisdickinson 59. tmpvar 60. remy
  13. felixge 62. jonrohan 63. mcollina 64. kennethreitz 65. necolas
  14. alex 67. juliangruber 68. bmizerany 69. rwaldron 70. jxnblk
  15. jacobian 72. brianleroux 73. swannodette 74. ericflo 75. marijnh
  16. bnoordhuis 77. jnunemaker 78. jessfraz 79. dshaw 80. mattdesl
  17. mislav 82. pjhyett 83. tmcw 84. janl 85. hughsk
  18. mitsuhiko 87. LeaVerou 88. antirez 89. sebmarkbage 90. nakajima
  19. al3x 92. sstephenson 93. maccman 94. zeke 95. jdalton
  20. mtodd 97. tpope 98. cheshire137 99. developit 100. jbarnette
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