Some jupyter notebooks are available here for demoing the most used scikit-learn, XGBoost , LightGBM, PyTorch and Keras Python models as well as Caret R models.
A final presentation is available here (pdf slides) :
This is an attempt to design a software-based deployment system for all kinds of models relying on the existing abstract layers of the sklearn2sql framework.
The goal is to implement a simple deployment system based on the most hardware-friendly high level programming language (C++). This allows for example to deploy an XGBoost, scikit-learn or a caret model on small Edge controllers like STM32 or esp32 as well as a standard cloud virtual machine at the highest possible speed.
The C++ code contains everything needed to compute the predicted values of the model, no external library is needed, and can be compiled for any target hardware platform using any starndard C++ compiler on the market.
The automatically generated code is plain STL C++-17, designed to maintain a strong semantic mapping with the model and allows auditing , debugging, benchmarking and reporting.
The generated code does/will not rely on any kind of external library (not use BLAS or tensorflow or ...) and will not need compiler specific flags. It is generated such that any C++ code can integrate it without specific change (the model code is a namespace).
To summarize, ml2cpp is for a CPU what sklearn2sql is for a database and supports the exact same set of machine learning models : scikit-learn, XGboost , LightGBM, Caret, Keras and PyTorch.
- Pete Warden : CogX 2018 - Machine Learning on Tiny, Cheap Devices | CogX
- Pete Warden : Why the Future of Machine Learning is Tiny
- Matthew Stewart : Tiny Machine Learning: The Next AI Revolution. The bigger model is not always the better model