Data aggregation pipeline properly scrape and collect interesting dataset
Project details: Github
Deployment: DigitalOcean Apps
Internal Dashboard: Faktory
Includes Services: Faktory • Rougecombien • Rotondo
For local development you simply have to follow those steps:
Get the code:
$ git clone`
Change current working dir:
$ cd trieugene
Run dev setup:
$ dev up
Build from source:
$ dev build
And you're done!
Locally you're gonna need to run multiple processes in parallele to have trieugene and it's different services up and running:
Change current working dir:
$ cd trieugene
Run trieugene:
$ bin/trieugene dev
Then you can start running the different services like the following:
$ bin/rougecombien dev
or simply running the main job scheduler:
$ bin/rotondo dev
Crafted by Mathieu Leduc-Hamel.