Issue dummy_token for webhdfs and HFTP
using distcp to copy data between secure and insecure hadoop clusters(usually different version) will encounter the following issues:
- Get token from insecure namenode
When distcp job running on secure cluster, every task need full access to
datanodes in insecure cluster, including network and secure authocation. Most
importantly, the job need get (dt)Delegation Token to access data stored in insecure
14/12/25 13:31:31 WARN security.SecurityUtil: Failed to get token for service
- Different RPC protocols We can only use webhdfs and hftp to bridge the data transfering bewteen different hadoop versions.
- Different dfs-checksum-type //TODO
Adding this token proxy in front of insecure namenode, it will issue dummy token to distcp client so that WebHdfsFileSystem or HftpFileSystem will not throw fatal Exception. The fatal Exception will interrput distcp.
Specify the -Dfs.webhdfs.impl=.SimpleAuthWebHdfsFileSystem(TODO)
public class SimpleAuthWebHdfsFileSystem extends WebHdfsFileSystem {
@Override public Token getDelegationToken(String
throws IOException {
return null;
1. Intercept http requests
will automatically change to
or https for Hsftp
2. Using RESTful WebHDFS protocol(hadoop-hdfs-project/hadoop-hdfs/src/main/proto/ClientNamenodeProtocol.proto)
3. Transparently forward other webhdfs request to the real namenode.
1. Intercept HFTP servlet
2. Hack the binary protocol in above sevlets and issue dummy token.
3. Forward others request (ListPath,/data/) to real namenode.
Pay attention to this, when there are some bugs in hftp for the real namenode, but
you cann't easily upgrade your namenodes in every clusters.
In this time, upgrade dt-proxy is a easy way to make hftp workable.
Such as
We can easily encode the "location" fielf in the redirect response. see
detail in code.
When running /data/ handle to fetching data from the real hdfs namenode that the proxy delegate, the namenode will repsonse the /data/ handle with a "LOCATION" in the http header as the following:
"location": "", Proxy will forword this header to the client. However, the client may cannot resove the "" hostname in result that the client command failed. Previously, we simply modified the /etc/hosts on every client node to work around this issue. However, it will be a big disaster to append thousands of hostname to every node. So we incepter the proxyRes event of http-proxy, load the host_ip_dict(the same with /etc/host), and replace the unresolved hostname with corresponding ip by lookup the "host_ip_dict" dictionary. Finally, every node wil receive the LOCATION header withe IP not the unresolved hostname.
16:39:11.022 - debug: RAW Response from the target {
"location": "",
"connection": "close",
"server": "Jetty(6.1.26)"
16:39:11.023 - info: replace hostname[] with ip[]: {
"location": "",
"connection": "close",
"server": "Jetty(6.1.26)"
Enable debug log export HADOOP_ROOT_LOGGER=DEBUG,console
Setup dt-proxy to namenode
nohup node dummy-token-proxy.js 12351 http://your-real-namenode:50070 & -
Test token hdfs dfs -ls hftp:// &>ls_out_log When the hftpclient(HftpFileSystem) received the valid token, it will print the folllowing debug log in ls_out_log We using 41 41 41... as our identity.
15/01/21 16:40:41 DEBUG security.SecurityUtil: Acquired token Kind: HFTP delegation, Service: XX.XX.XXX.XXX:12351, Ident: 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41 41
15/01/21 16:40:41 DEBUG fs.FileSystem: Got dt for hftp://XXX.XX.XX.XX:12351;t.service=XXX.XX.XX.XX:12351
15/01/21 16:40:41 DEBUG fs.FileSystem: Created new DT for XX.XX.XX.XX:12351
Also, you can check dt-proxy by using simple curl command as following:
1. curl
2. curl
3. curl
4. curl
5. curl -vv{your-real-file-in-real-hdfs}
more comprehessive test:
1. hadoop dfs -get hftp://{your-real-file-in-real-hdfs}
2. hadoop jar hadoop-distcp-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar -skipcrccheck -strategy dynamic -m 2 -update hftp:// hdfs://your-dest-file
see more in dummyp-token-proxy.js