Welcome to our collection of walkthroughs and explainers of the Cardano API and related components! This body of work, while not comprehensive, is intended as a quick-and-easy overview of the Cardano blockchain essentials to benefit new developers.
Moreover, these documents are part of MLabs' Developer Documentation Drive project. This project was generously supported and funded by the Cardano community through Project Catalyst, and its original Fund9 grant proposal can be viewed here. The documentation of several other ecosystem projects was also improved as part of this initiative, in particular:
- Plutarch - A typed eDSL for writing UPLC
- Cardano-Transaction-Library - A Purescript library for building Cardano smart contract transactions
- Plutip - A Cardano testing tool for spawning local clusters
- Oura - A pipeline tool for filtering Cardano blockchain events
- Scrolls - A read-optimized cache of Cardano on-chain entities
The documentation herein was originally written by pb99u069 as part of this Fund9 proposal. The original repo was forked and its contents collected here for greater discoverability, organization, and transparency. As of writing, the author hosts a GitHub Pages instance which some readers may prefer. Finally, as part of Project Catalyst fund compliance, regular progress reports documenting the history of our Developer Documentation Drive project are publicly available through Project Catalyst channels and reproduced here.
Unless otherwise specified, all the documentation in this repository is licensed under the same terms as the original work.
Please feel free to explore the documentation and contribute.