DynamicBase is a lightweight object-relational mapping tool built with Ruby. By creating a subclass of the Base
class, existing tables in the database are mapped to these new classes.
Using the sample database as an example, one can retrieve the NYC attractions in the Bronx by running Borough.first.sights
. To change a property, for example the name, one can simply type
bronx = Borough.first
bronx.name = 'The Bronx'
Will return an array of all entries in the database for the specified table.
Example: Borough.all
Will return the first database entry for the specified table (ordered by id).
Example: Borough.first
Will return the last database entry for the specified table (ordered by id).
Example: Borough.last
Will return the entry in the database with the id matching the argument.
Example: Borough.find(4)
Creates a new Base object (which can be modified and then update or insert intothe database with the save method below)
Example: Borough.new
Depending on if entry exists in database, will either update or insert into database.
borough = Borough.new
borough.name = "Queens"
Returns the results of a SQL query based on the hash parameters passed in as arguments.
Example: Borough.where(name: "Manhattan")
Will return base object with the child associated with the selected object.
Example: Neighborhood.first.borough
Will return base object with the parent associated with the selected object.
Example: Borough.first.neighborhoods
Will return base object with the grandparent associated with the selected object.
Example: Sight.first.borough
A sample database is included. To run simply clone this repo and open with pry or IRB with the load 'demo/nyc.rb'