This repository includes the following components:
- A simulation platform for training a neural network (NN) model with the A3C algorithm, an advanced reinforcement learning (RL) algorithm. A trained NN model is used to dynamically adjust the bitrate of a live video streaming session. Our simulator permits you to train a NN model with real traffic traces or synthetically generated traces for both video and background traffic.
- The SS-CNO arbitrator algorithm for the 5G-MEDIA UC2 multi-session scenario (
- The O-CNO arbitrator algorithm for the 5G-MEDIA UC2 multi-session scenario (
- Install git and gnuplot
brew install git gnuplot (Mac users)
sudo apt install -y git gnuplot (Linux users)
- Install a version of python if you do not have one. CNO works with all python versions (I tested it with v3.5, v3.6, v2.7)
[Mac users only]
brew install python3 [Python 3.7.4] OR brew install python@2 [Python 2.7]
[Linux users only]
sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
wget [Choose a release for Linux from]
tar -xvf Python-3.6.7.tar
cd Python-3.6.3
make install
python3.6 -V -> Python3.67rc1 [/usr/bin/local/python3.6]
- Install the following python packages via pip
pip install virtualenv virtualenvwrapper
- Create a new virtualenv (e.g. for python3.5). Note that if do not want to use virtualenv, continue from item #6
which python3.5 -> e.g. /usr/bin/python3.5 that is related to the default python that comes with Ubuntu16.4
virtualenv --python=/usr/bin/python3.5 ~/virtualenv/py3.5 [Linux/Mac users only]
conda create -n py3.5 python=3.5 anaconda [Windows users only]
- Activate your new python environment
source ~/virtualenv/py3.5 [Mac/Linux users only]
conda activate py3.5 [Windows users only]
- Finally install essential packages for CNO
pip install tflearn tensorflow matplotlib [Mac/Linux/Windows]
- Finally, clone the CNO source code from the following repository
git clone
- Executing code with default settings
- To explore available parameters to change
python --help
- To monitor parameters (e.g. loss, reward, entropy) during a training session
tensorboard --logdir ./results
- For plotting the mean loss-rate and the mean video-bit-rate after a training session is completed
- Morteza Kheirkhah, University College London (UCL), [email protected]
This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 761699. The dissemination of results herein reflects only the author’s view and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.