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mkarneim edited this page Oct 5, 2014 · 1 revision

Here is an ANT build script that runs the PojoBuilder annotation processor within the javac task:

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<project name="pojobuilder.samples" default="main" basedir=".">
  <property file="" />
  <property file="${}" />

  <!-- Folders and files -->
  <property name="src.dir" location="${basedir}/src" />
  <property name="lib.dir" location="${basedir}/lib" />
  <property name="" location="${src.dir}/main/java" />
  <property name="" location="${src.dir}/generated/java" />

  <property name="build.dir" location="${basedir}/build" />
  <property name="build.classes.dir" location="${build.dir}/classes" />

  <!-- Libraries -->
  <!-- Add the required libraries into this directory. -->
  <fileset id="libs.fileset" dir="${lib.dir}">
    <include name="*.jar" />

  <path id="class.path">
    <fileset refid="libs.fileset" />

  <!-- Targets  -->
  <target name="init">
      <format property="build.time" pattern="MMM/dd/yyyy hh:mm aa z" />

  <target name="check-library-directory-is-not-empty">
    <condition property="libs.fileset.empty">
      <length length="0">
        <fileset refid="libs.fileset" />
    <fail if="libs.fileset.empty">
    Missing library.
    The library directory ${lib.dir} is empty.
    Please add pojobuilder-*-jar-with-dependencies.jar.
    You can download it from|ga|1|a%3A%22pojobuilder%22.

  <target name="clean" depends="init" description="Clean up all generated files">
    <delete dir="${build.dir}" />
    <delete dir="${}" />

  <target name="compile" depends="init, check-library-directory-is-not-empty" description="Compile java sources and run annotation processor">
    <mkdir dir="${}" />
    <mkdir dir="${build.classes.dir}" />
    <javac classpathref="class.path" destdir="${build.classes.dir}">
      <src path="${}" />
      <!-- This tells the compiler where to place the generated source files -->
      <compilerarg line="-s ${}" />

  <target name="run" depends="init, compile" description="Runs the main class">
    <java classname="Main">
        <pathelement location="${build.classes.dir}" />

  <target name="main" depends="init, clean, compile, run" description="build all artifacts">