#Ionic2-Meteor Fingerprint Login This repository extends ionic2-meteor-login adding the ability to login using mobile device hardware fingerprint sensors.
- Please refer to the base repository README for additional documentation.
#Screenshots ##Android ###Login Page ###Account Management
##What's New
- Login Page
- Added fingerprint button next to login button
- Account Management
- Added toggle to enable fingerprint authentication
- FingerprintLoginToggleComponent
- FingerprintLoginToggleComponent
- Added toggle to enable fingerprint authentication
- FingerprintHelper Utility
- Utility file to consolidated function methods for the different platform fingerprint plugins
- Added
- Added
- Cordova Plugins
- Android
- iOS
- Both
- [email protected]
- To obtain device UUID
- [email protected]
##How To Use It
- Create an account / Login
- Open the menu and tap your user profile to navigate to account management
- Toggle "Fingerprint Login" to "ON"
- Hit "OK" on the disclaimer dialog
- Fingerprint authentication
- Sign out
- Enter email address
- Tap the fingerprint icon button
- Fingerprint authentication
- The user must login and enable fingerprint authentication from the account management menu.
- To enable fingerprint authentication, the user must successfully authenticate.
##Enabling Fingerprint Login ###Client Secret
- The server generates a client secret by encrypting the userId and device UUID.
- The server creates a fingerprint service on the user's profile, hashes the client secret, and stores the hashed client secret under the fingerprint service.
- The client secret is returned to the application to be used in the fingerprint authentication process.
###Authentication flow
- App checks for the availabilty of fingerprint authentication.
- Checks if hardware is available
- Checks if there are fingerprints enrolled on the device
- Gets client secret from the server
- Sends device uuid to server
- Server generates a client secret using the userId and deviceId
- Server hashes the client secret and stores the hash like it would a password
- Client secret is returned to the client
- Fingerprint authentication
- Android
- Upon successful authentication the plugin returns an encrypted token
- iOS
- Upon successful authentication the client secret is used as the token
- Android
- App sends the token and device UUID to the server to be saved under the user's profile.
##Fingerprint Login
- Enter email address
- Tap fingerprint icon button.
- The app sends the device UUID to the server and attempts to retrieve the token previously encrypted by the plugin.
- Server checks if the device UUID matches the one used when enabling fingerprint login. If validated, the token is returned.
- Fingerprint authentication
- Android
- The encrypted token is passed to the the fingerprint authentication plugin.
- Upon successful fingerprint authentication the plugin decrypts the token and returns the client secret.
- iOS
- Upon successful fingerprint authentication the app uses the retrieved token as the decrypted client secret.
- Android
- The decrypted client secret is sent to the server for validation.
- The server checks the client secret against the hashed client secret just like it would a password.
- Upon validation, the server generates a time stamped login token and returns it to the application.
- The application logs in with the timestamped login token.