Speeduino is an Arduino controlled speedometer project. It's originally written to work with Speedhut speedometers but could probably be adapted to work with others.
Please refer to Speedhut's page for instructions on hooking up your speedometer. Instructions for connecting your Arduino are available in the comment header of the sketch.
To use the Python example scripts, you'll need the following modules:
See a video of a speedometer doing a sweep controlled via Arduino.
usage: btcguild.py [-h] --apikey APIKEY -f F
Program to send current hashrate to Arduino speedometer gauge.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--apikey APIKEY BTC Guild API Key
-f F Arduino serial port
Most of the Python scripts will attempt to disable DTR on serial communication in order to prevent the Arduino from resetting itself. Not all systems will support this. It is suggested to follow these instructions on disabling power reset on serial connectivity for your Arduino. (http://playground.arduino.cc/Main/DisablingAutoResetOnSerialConnection#.Uxv9hD5gaGI)