CMD Magnifier -- Tools and Utilities
This repo contains the following files: -- Main interactive tool (i.e. Snow White) -- batch plotting application -- demo movie of CMDMAG in action
CMDMAG is a toy program to demo a query of the Data Lab TAP service
and visualize the object density and associated CMD. The user moves the cursor in the left-hand plot, the smaller plots track to show the catalog points zoomed in around the cursor, and the g-r vs g CMD for the points around the cursor, and a histogram of the differential values.
A reticle in the zoomed position plot shows the size of the sampling cursor being used. A mouseover in the CMD plot will show the corresponding point in the density plot with a highlight marker. Holding the Shift key down will suspend tracking to allow you to move the cursor to another window without changing the zoom/CMD display.
A box may be dragged out in the CMD plot to select points corresponding to specific color/magnitude region, the density plot will automatically be updated. Similarly, the contrast of the density plot can be adjusted by selecting a horizontal region of the histogram plot, e.g. to show only the values 3-sigma above the mean drag the cursor between zero (the difference from the mean) and 3 (3-sigma above the mean).
Command-line options:
-h, --help # Help
-d, --debug # Debug
-v, --verbose # Verbose
-c, --catalog # Catalog to query
-l, --load # Load the FITS bintable
-p, --ra # Set RA position
-r, --dec # Set DEC position
-s, --sz # Set field size
-S, --small_k # Set small kernel size
-B, --big_k # Set big kernel size
-F, --floor # Set clipping floor (sigma)
-C, --ceiling # Set clipping ceiling (sigma)
-R, --reticle # Set cursor size
-Z, --zoomsz # Set size of zoom box
Density-plot Commands: + # zoom in on field - # zoom out on field h / left-arrow # pan left (get new data) j / down-arrow # pan down (get new data) k / up-arrow # pan up (get new data) l / right-arrow # pan right (get new data)
Shift # freeze motion tracking in density plot
Shift-release # enable motion tracking in density plot
Zoom-plot Commands: < / > # change sample cursor by a factor of 2 , / . # change sample cursor by a factor of 1.5 + # increase zoom factor - # decrease zoom factor
Additional work to pre-fetch/cache data, or use of different density tools will help speed and precision but is TBD.