My personal dotfiles for Neovim
My environment: Ubuntu 20.04 Neovim 0.9
Use Lazy.nvim as Plugin Manager
bufferline dap (with dap-ui) nvim-lspconfig vim-multicursor telescope trouble [windows] cmp [easy-align] lsp_signature neo-tree comment indent-blankline lualine scrollbar nvim-treesitter which-key
Default settings are for C/Cpp/Python/Golang/Rust/Lua You need to setup some core applications for the LSP to run correctly And be sure that you have aready installed the languages.
Here's the list: C/Cpp: ccls (LSP) , vscode-cpptools Python: pyright (LSP) , debugpy Golang gopls (LSP) , delve Rust rust-analyzer (LSP) Lua lua_ls (LSP)
Having installed all of them, just config some PATH in lsp.lua&dap.lua, then enjoy your Neovim trip!