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245 lines (147 loc) · 7.27 KB

File metadata and controls

245 lines (147 loc) · 7.27 KB

dbpp.widgets package: GuiBaseClass - AutoScrollbar - Balloon - Ctext - LabEntry - RoText - Scrolled - SqlText - StatusBar - TableView - TextMixins - XTableView - XTreeView

dbpp.kroki - dbpp.kroki.KrokiEncoder - dbpp.utils - dbpp.utils.SqlUtils -

apps: dbpp.peditor


The module TextMixins adds a few small Mixin classes for the tk.Text widget to extend its functionality on the fly.

The following Mixins are currently implemented:

  • TextFontIncreaserMixin - adding bindings Ctrl-plus and Ctrl-minus to change the fontsize
  • TextCuaBindingsMixin - adds a few standard bindings like Ctrl-a to select the text and a status aware context menu for right mouse button clicks
  • TextHighLightMixin - simple syntax highlighter for single and multiline comments as well as for keywords


     >>> import tkinter as tk
     >>> import dbpp.widgets.textmixins as txm
     >>> root = tk.Tk()
     >>> class text(tk.Text,
     ...    txm.TextFontIncreaserMixin,
     ...    txm.TextCuaBindingsMixin,
     ...    txm.TextHighLightMixin): pass
     >>> txt  = text(root,undo=True) 
     >>> txt.bind_text_resize()
     >>> txt.bind_cua()
     >>> txt.add_highlights(commentline="'",commentstart="/'",
     ...    commentend="'/",keywords=[ ['@startuml','@enduml'], ['class', 'entity', 'table'] ])
     >>> txt.insert("1.0","@startuml\n'This is a comment\nclass A\nclass B\nA --> B\n@enduml\n")
     >>> txt.update_highlights()
     >>> txt.pack(side='top',fill='both',expand=True)
     >>> root.mainloop()        

class TextCuaBindingsMixin

CUA bindings and right click popup menu for the tk.Text widget.

Mixin class for the tk.Text widget which allows to extend its functionality on the fly for adding standard bindings and a Right click popup menu by creating an empty class like this:


import tkinter as tk
class MText(tk.Text,dbpp.widgets.TextMixins.TextCuaBindingsMixin): pass
root = tk.Tk()
text = MText(root)

Now you can presse Ctrl-a for instance to select the complete text, you get as well a widget status aware context menu if you press the right mouse button in the text widget.

function bind_cua


Adds the actual bindings Ctrl-x, Ctrl-c, Ctrl-v, Control-z, Control-a known as well as CUA bindings and in addition a right click context mene

class TextFontIncreaserMixin

Adding fontsize adjustments using Ctrl-plus, Ctrl-minus to the tk.Text widget.

Mixin class for the tk.Text widget which allows to extend its functionality on the fly by creating an empty class like this:

import tkinter as tk
class MText(tk.Text,dbpp.widgets.TextMixins.TextFontIncreaserMixin): pass
root = tk.Tk()
text = MText(root)

Now you can presse Ctrl-Plus to increase the font and Ctrl-Minus to decrease the fontsize.

function bind_text_resize

bind_text_resize(increase='Control-plus', decrease='Control-minus', font=None)

Add the actual bindings for increasing and decreasing the fontsize using the Ctrl-Plus and Ctrl-Minus keys combinations.


  • increase (string): the key combination to increase the fontsize, defaults to "Control-plus"
  • decrease (string): the key combination to decrease the fontsize, defaults to "Control-minus"
  • font (string): the prefered Font to be used, if not given searches for a platform depending good choice, defaults to None

function decrease_font


Decrease the font size of the widget.

function increase_font


Increase the font size of the widget.

class TextHighLightMixin

Syntax highlighting for the tk.Text widget.

Mixin class for the tk.Text widget which allows to extend its functionality on the fly for some minimal syntax highlighting by creating an empty class like this:


import tkinter as tk
class MText(tk.Text,dbpp.widgets.TextMixins.TextHighLightMixin): pass
root = tk.Tk()
text = MText(root)
     ['@startuml','@enduml', '@startmindmap','@endmindmap'], 
     ['class', 'entity', 'table'] ])

function add_highlights


Adds the actual syntax highlighting and the binding for updates of the high lighting after pressing Up, Down or Return. For updating after a new file is loaded see update_highlights


  • commentline (regex): the regular expression to start a single line comment, defaults to "^\s*#"
  • commentstart (regex): the regular expression to start a multi line comment, defaults to None
  • commentend (regex): the regular expression to start a multie line comment, defaults to None
  • keywords (list): nested list of keywords, each sublist will be given a different color, defaults to list()
  • strings (bool): should strings be highlighted, defaults to True

function update_highlights


Updates the current given syntax highlights for instance after loading a new file into the widget. If this file should support other highlighting you should before again call the method addHighLights.

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