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Your Name committed Nov 1, 2020
1 parent e382211 commit 9ee7443
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Showing 6 changed files with 951 additions and 0 deletions.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions hie.yaml
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@@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
component: "riscv-semantics:exe:riscv-mm"
299 changes: 299 additions & 0 deletions riscv.als
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@@ -0,0 +1,299 @@
// =RVWMO axioms=
module riscv
// See the RVWMO Chapter in the RISC-V Non-Privileged ISA Specification

// Preserved Program Order
fun ppo : Event->Event {
// same-address ordering
po_loc :> Store
+ (AMO + StoreConditional) <: rfi
+ rdw

// explicit synchronization
+ ppo_fence
+ Acquire <: ^po :> MemoryEvent
+ MemoryEvent <: ^po :> Release
+ RCsc <: ^po :> RCsc
+ pair

// syntactic dependencies
+ addrdep
+ datadep
+ ctrldep :> Store

// pipeline dependencies
+ (addrdep+datadep).rfi
+ addrdep.^po :> Store

// the global memory order respects preserved program order
fact { ppo in ^gmo }

// Load Value Axiom
fun candidates[r: MemoryEvent] : set MemoryEvent {
(r.~^gmo & Store & same_addr[r]) // writes preceding r in gmo
+ (r.^~po & Store & same_addr[r]) // writes preceding r in po

fun latest_among[s: set Event] : Event { s - s.~^gmo }

pred LoadValue {
all w: Store | all r: Load |
w->r in rf <=> w = latest_among[candidates[r]]

// Atomicity Axiom
pred Atomicity {
all r: Store.~pair | // starting from the lr,
no x: Store & same_addr[r] | // there is no store x to the same addr
x not in same_hart[r] // such that x is from a different hart,
and x in r.~rf.^gmo // x follows (the store r reads from) in gmo,
and r.pair in x.^gmo // and r follows x in gmo

// Progress Axiom implicit: Alloy only considers finite models

pred RISCV_mm { LoadValue and Atomicity /* and Progress */ }

// Basic model of memory

sig Hart { // hardware thread
start : one Event
sig Address {}
abstract sig Event {
po: lone Event // program order

abstract sig MemoryEvent extends Event {
address: one Address,
acquireRCpc: lone MemoryEvent,
acquireRCsc: lone MemoryEvent,
releaseRCpc: lone MemoryEvent,
releaseRCsc: lone MemoryEvent,
addrdep: set MemoryEvent,
ctrldep: set Event,
datadep: set MemoryEvent,
gmo: set MemoryEvent, // global memory order
rf: set MemoryEvent
sig LoadNormal extends MemoryEvent {} // l{b|h|w|d}
sig LoadReserve extends MemoryEvent { // lr
pair: lone StoreConditional
sig StoreNormal extends MemoryEvent {} // s{b|h|w|d}
// all StoreConditionals in the model are assumed to be successful
sig StoreConditional extends MemoryEvent {} // sc
sig AMO extends MemoryEvent {} // amo
sig NOP extends Event {}

fun Load : Event { LoadNormal + LoadReserve + AMO }
fun Store : Event { StoreNormal + StoreConditional + AMO }

sig Fence extends Event {
pr: lone Fence, // opcode bit
pw: lone Fence, // opcode bit
sr: lone Fence, // opcode bit
sw: lone Fence // opcode bit
sig FenceTSO extends Fence {}

/* Alloy encoding detail: opcode bits are either set (encoded, e.g.,
* as in iden) or unset ( not in iden). The bits cannot be used for
* anything else */
fact { pr + pw + sr + sw in iden }
// likewise for ordering annotations
fact { acquireRCpc + acquireRCsc + releaseRCpc + releaseRCsc in iden }
// don't try to encode FenceTSO via pr/pw/sr/sw; just use it as-is
fact { no FenceTSO.(pr + pw + sr + sw) }

// =Basic model rules=

// Ordering annotation groups
fun Acquire : MemoryEvent { MemoryEvent.acquireRCpc + MemoryEvent.acquireRCsc }
fun Release : MemoryEvent { MemoryEvent.releaseRCpc + MemoryEvent.releaseRCsc }
fun RCpc : MemoryEvent { MemoryEvent.acquireRCpc + MemoryEvent.releaseRCpc }
fun RCsc : MemoryEvent { MemoryEvent.acquireRCsc + MemoryEvent.releaseRCsc }

// There is no such thing as store-acquire or load-release, unless it's both
fact { Load & Release in Acquire }
fact { Store & Acquire in Release }

fun FencePRSR : Fence { Fence.(pr & sr) }
fun FencePRSW : Fence { Fence.(pr & sw) }
fun FencePWSR : Fence { Fence.(pw & sr) }
fun FencePWSW : Fence { Fence.(pw & sw) }

fun ppo_fence : MemoryEvent->MemoryEvent {
(Load <: ^po :> FencePRSR).(^po :> Load)
+ (Load <: ^po :> FencePRSW).(^po :> Store)
+ (Store <: ^po :> FencePWSR).(^po :> Load)
+ (Store <: ^po :> FencePWSW).(^po :> Store)
+ (Load <: ^po :> FenceTSO) .(^po :> MemoryEvent)
+ (Store <: ^po :> FenceTSO) .(^po :> Store)

// auxiliary definitions
fun po_loc : Event->Event { ^po & address.~address }
fun same_hart[e: Event] : set Event { e + e.^~po + e.^po }
fun same_addr[e: Event] : set Event { e.address.~address }

// initial stores
fun NonInit : set Event { Hart.start.*po }
fun Init : set Event { Event - NonInit }
fact { Init in StoreNormal }
fact { Init->(MemoryEvent & NonInit) in ^gmo }
fact { all e: NonInit | one e.*~po.~start } // each event is in exactly one hart
fact { all a: Address | one Init & a.~address } // one init store per address
fact { no Init <: po and no po :> Init }

// po
fact { acyclic[po] }

// gmo
fact { total[^gmo, MemoryEvent] } // gmo is a total order over all MemoryEvents

fact { rf.~rf in iden } // each read returns the value of only one write
fact { rf in Store <: address.~address :> Load }
fun rfi : MemoryEvent->MemoryEvent { rf & (*po + *~po) }

fact { no StoreNormal <: (addrdep + ctrldep + datadep) }
fact { addrdep + ctrldep + datadep + pair in ^po }
fact { datadep in datadep :> Store }
fact { ctrldep.*po in ctrldep }
fact { no pair & (^po :> (LoadReserve + StoreConditional)).^po }
fact { StoreConditional in LoadReserve.pair } // assume all SCs succeed

// rdw
fun rdw : Event->Event {
(Load <: po_loc :> Load) // start with all same_address load-load pairs,
- (~rf.rf) // subtract pairs that read from the same store,
- (po_loc.rfi) // and subtract out "fri-rfi" patterns

// filter out redundant instances and/or visualizations
fact { no gmo & } // keep the visualization uncluttered
fact { all a: Address | some a.~address }

// =Optional: opcode encoding restrictions=

// the list of blessed fences
fact { Fence in
+ FenceTSO

pred restrict_to_current_encodings {
no (LoadNormal + StoreNormal) & (Acquire + Release)

// =Alloy shortcuts=
pred acyclic[rel: Event->Event] { no iden & ^rel }
pred total[rel: Event->Event, bag: Event] {
all disj e, e': bag | e->e' in rel + ~rel

// =Examples=

// for convenience
//fun fr : Event->Event { ~rf.^gmo & address.~address :> Store }

//run Sanity { RISCV_mm } for 3

run MP_fences {
some disj a, b, c, d, e, f : Event, disj x, y: Address |
a in Store & x.~address and
b in and
c in Store & y.~address and
d in Load & y.~address and
e in and
f in Load & x.~address and
po = a->b + b->c + d->e + e->f and
c->d in rf and
f->a in fr and
} for 8

run MP_rl_addr {
some disj a, b, c, d : MemoryEvent, disj x, y: Address |
a in Store & x.~address and
b in Store.releaseRCsc & y.~address and
c in Load & y.~address and
d in Load & x.~address and
po = a->b + c->d and
b->c in rf and
d->a in fr and
c->d in addrdep and
} for 6

run MP_rl_fri_rfi_addr_legal {
some disj a, b, c, d, e, f, g : Event, disj x, y: Address |
a in Store & x.~address and
b in and
c in Store & y.~address and
d in Load & y.~address and
e in Store & y.~address and
f in Load & y.~address and
g in Load & x.~address and
po = a->b + b->c + d->e + e->f + f->g and
c->d + e->f in rf and
g->a in fr and
f->g in addrdep and
} for 9

run MP_rsw_legal {
some disj a, b, c, d, e, f, g : Event, disj x, y, z: Address |
a in Store & x.~address and
b in and
c in Store & y.~address and
d in Load & y.~address and
e in Load & z.~address and
f in Load & z.~address and
g in Load & x.~address and
po = a->b + b->c + d->e + e->f + f->g and
c->d in rf and
g->a in fr and
d->e + f->g in addrdep and
} for 10

run SB {
some disj a, b, c, d : MemoryEvent, disj x, y: Address |
a in Store & x.~address and
b in Load & y.~address and
c in Store & y.~address and
d in Load & x.~address and
a->b + c->d in ppo and
d->a + b->c in fr and
} for 6

run atoms {
some disj a, b, c, d: MemoryEvent, x: Address |
a in LoadReserve & x.~address and
b in StoreConditional & x.~address and
c in LoadReserve & x.~address and
d in StoreConditional & x.~address and
po = a->b + c->d and
b->c not in rf and
d->a not in rf and
} for 5
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/Platform/MainMM.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@

import qualified Platform.RunMM as Run
main = Run.main


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