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Sample code for

asm.js/wasm live demos:

Minimal 8-bit emulators using the sokol headers:

Build Status:

Platform Build Status
GH Actions (OSX/Linux/Win+VS2019/iOS/WASM/Android) Build Status
AppVeyor (Windows,VS2015) Build status

What's New:

  • 23-Sep-2020: samples can now be built for UWP using the sapp-uwp-vstudio-debug and sapp-uwp-vstudio-release build configs NOTE that fips support for UWP built apps is incomplete (e.g. fips run doesn't work, and UWP app bundle creation is also not supported)

  • 27-May-2020: four new test and demonstration samples for the new sokol_debugtext.h header

  • 30-Apr-2020: New sokol_gfx.h WebGPU backend samples, and updated all other samples for the breaking changes in sokol_gfx.h initialization, see the Updates section in the sokol_gfx.h README for details!

  • 24-Feb-2020: I have added a section to the readme with examples of how to build (most of) the examples without a build system by invoking the C compiler directly on the command line. This might be useful for integration of the sokol headers into your own projects using your own preferred build system.

  • 22-Jan-2020: New sample to demonstrate how to render from inside a Dear ImGui user draw callback: imgui-usercallback-sapp

  • 26-Aug-2019: New sample: fontstash-sapp

  • 06-Jul-2019: Two new samples for the new sokol_fetch.h header:

  • 04-Jun-2019: New sample on how to compile and use the sokol headers as DLL (currently only on Windows). This demonstrates the new SOKOL_DLL configuration define which annotates public function declarations with __declspec(dllexport) or __declspec(dllimport). See here for the DLL, and here for the example code using the DLL.

  • 15-May-2019: the sokol-app samples in the sapp directory have been "ported" to the new shader-cross-compiler solution (see here for details). Shaders are written as 'annotated GLSL', and cross-compiled to various GLSL dialects, HLSL and MSL through a custom-build job which invokes the sokol-shdc command line tool.

  • 01-Apr-2019: sample code for the new sokol_gl.h header:

  • 05-Mar-2019: the sokol-app samples (in the sapp directory) now come with optional debugging UIs implemented via the new Dear ImGui based debug-inspection headers, these are compiled as separate executables, so the executable-versions without UI are still as small as possible.

  • 19-Feb-2019: a new sokol_app.h sample has been added to demonstrate the new SOKOL_NO_ENTRY feature (in which sokol_app.h doesn't hijack the main function): sapp/noentry-sapp.c

  • 26-Jan-2019: The sokol_app.h samples now also work on Android. See below for build instructions.

  • 12-Apr-2018: New samples have been added to demonstrate the new optional vertex-buffer- and index-buffer-offsets in the sg_draw_state struct. Also the location of fips build-system files have changed, please update fips with a 'git pull' from the fips directory.

  • 27-Mar-2018: The Dear Imgui fips wrapper has recently been moved to a new repository at and updated to the latest ImGui version which required some code changes. If you already had checked out sokol-samples, perform the following steps to udpate:

    1. delete the fips-imgui directory
    2. in the sokol-samples directory, run ./fips fetch

How to build

(for examples of how to build without a specific build system, scroll to the end)

Make sure that the following tools are in the path. Exact versions shouldn't matter:

> git --version
2.x.x (any version should do)
> python --version
Python 3.x (2.x should still work too)
> cmake --version
cmake version 3.8.2 (or later)
# make is only needed for building through emscripten
> make --version
GNU Make 3.81
# on OSX (on Windows you just need a recent VS)
> xcodebuild -version
Xcode 10.x (or later)

Building the platform-specific samples

There are two types of samples, platform-specific samples in the folders d3d11, glfw, html5 and metal, and platform-agnostic samples using the sokol_app.h application-wrapper header in the folder sapp.

To build the GLFW samples on Linux, MacOS and Windows:

> mkdir ~/scratch
> cd ~/scratch
> git clone
> cd sokol-samples
> ./fips build
> ./fips list targets
> ./fips run triangle-glfw

On Linux you'll need to install a couple of development packages for GLFW:

To build for Metal on OSX:

> cd ~/scratch/sokol-samples
> ./fips set config metal-osx-xcode-debug
> ./fips build
> ./fips list targets
> ./fips run triangle-metal

To build for Metal on iOS:

> cd ~/scratch/sokol-samples
> ./fips set config metal-ios-xcode-debug
> ./fips set iosteam [YOUR-TEAM-ID]
> ./fips gen
> ./fips open
# Xcode should open now, where you can build and run the iOS code as usual

The [YOUR-TEAM-ID] must be replaced with your Apple Developer Team ID, this is a 10-character string which you can look up on If you get build errors about 32-bit targets, exit Xcode, run ./fips clean, ./fips gen and ./fips open again. This is a known but unsolved issue which I need to investigate.

Another known issue: The arraytex-metal sample currently has a weird rendering artefact at least on my iPad Mini4 which looks like Z-fighting.

To build for D3D11 on Windows:

> cd /scratch/sokol-samples
> fips set config d3d11-win64-vstudio-debug
> fips build
> fips list targets
> fips run triangle-d3d11

To build for emscripten:

> cd ~/scratch/sokol-samples
> ./fips setup emscripten
[...this will take a while]
> ./fips set config webgl2-emsc-make-release
> ./fips build
> ./fips list targets
> ./fips run triangle-emsc

To build for Android:

Plug an Android device into your computer, and then:

> cd ~/scratch/sokol-samples
> ./fips setup android
[...this will install a local Android SDK/NDK under ../fips-sdks/android]
> ./fips set config sapp-android-make-debug
> ./fips build
> ./fips list targets
> ./fips run triangle-sapp

The last command should install and run the triangle-sapp sample on the connected Android device.

To debug Android applications I recommend using Android Studio with "Profile or debug APK". You can find the compiled APK files under ../fips-deploy/[project]/[config].

To build the platform-agnostic sokol_app.h samples:

Building the sokol_app.h samples is currently supported for MacOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, HTML5 and Android (RaspberryPi is planned).

Use any of the following custom build configs starting with sapp- which matches your platform and build system:

> ./fips list configs | grep sapp-
> ./fips set config sapp-...
> ./fips build
> ./fips list targets
> ./fips run cube-sapp

Note the following caveats:

  • for HTML5, first install the emscripten SDK as described above in the native HTML5 sample section
  • for iOS, set the developer team id, as described above in the iOS section
  • OpenGL is currently not supported on MacOS because NSOpenGLView and friends are broken on the MacOS Mojave beta, instead use the sapp-metal-* build configs (GLES on iOS is supported though)
  • for UWP you need a bleeding edge Visual Studio and Windows SDK version (at least VS2019 and SDK 10.0.19041.0)
  • fips build support for UWP is incomplete, you only get "raw" UWP executables out of the build process, but not packaged and signed application bundles. This is enough for running and debugging the samples inside Visual Studio, but not for much else.

How to build without a build system

Many samples are simple enough to be built directly on the command line without a build system, and the following examples of that might be helpful for integrating the sokol headers and/or the sokol sample code into your own project with the build system of your choice.

The expected directory structure for building the sokol-samples manually is as follows (e.g. those directories must be cloned side-by-side):


For instance:

> mkdir scratch
> cd scratch
> git clone
> git clone
> git clone

Of course, in your own project you can put the sokol headers wherever you want (I recommend copying them somewhere into your source directory), and you don't have to use the prebuilt sokol-shdc shader compiler either.

NOTE: for Release builds, you might want to add the compiler's respective optimization flags, and provide an NDEBUG define so that assert() checks and the sokol-gfx validation layer are removed (BUT please don't do this for the Debug/Dev builds because asserts() and the validation layer give useful feedback if something goes wrong).

Building manually on macOS with clang

To build one of the Metal samples:

> cd sokol-samples/metal
> cc cube-metal.c osxentry.m sokol_gfx.m -o cube-metal -fobjc-arc -I../../sokol -framework Metal -framework Cocoa -framework MetalKit -framework Quartz

To build one of the GLFW samples (requires a system-wide glfw install, e.g. brew install glfw):

> cd sokol-samples/glfw
> cc cube-glfw.c flextgl/flextGL.c -o cube-glfw -I../../sokol -lglfw -framework OpenGL -framework Cocoa

To build one of the sokol-app samples for Metal:

> cd sokol-samples/sapp
> ../../sokol-tools-bin/bin/osx/sokol-shdc -i cube-sapp.glsl -o cube-sapp.glsl.h -l metal_macos
> cc cube-sapp.c ../libs/sokol/sokol.m -o cube-sapp -DSOKOL_METAL -fobjc-arc -I../../sokol -I ../libs -framework Metal -framework Cocoa -framework MetalKit -framework Quartz -framework AudioToolbox

To build one of the sokol-app samples for GL on macOS:

> cd sokol-samples/sapp
> ../../sokol-tools-bin/bin/osx/sokol-shdc -i cube-sapp.glsl -o cube-sapp.glsl.h -l glsl330
> cc cube-sapp.c ../libs/sokol/sokol.m -o cube-sapp -fobjc-arc -DSOKOL_GLCORE33 -I../../sokol -I../libs -framework OpenGL -framework Cocoa -framework AudioToolbox

Building manually on Windows with MSVC

From the VSxxxx x64 Native Tools Command Prompt (for 64-bit builds) or Developer Command Prompt for VSxxxx (for 32-bit builds):

To build one of the D3D11 samples:

> cd sokol-samples\d3d11
> cl cube-d3d11.c d3d11entry.c /I..\..\sokol

To build one of the sokol-app samples for D3D11:

> cd sokol-samples\sapp
> ..\..\sokol-tools-bin\bin\win32\sokol-shdc -i cube-sapp.glsl -o cube-sapp.glsl.h -l hlsl5
> cl cube-sapp.c ..\libs\sokol\sokol.c /DSOKOL_D3D11 /I..\..\sokol /I..\libs

To build one of the sokol-app samples for GL on Windows:

> cd sokol-samples\sapp
> ..\..\sokol-tools-bin\bin\win32\sokol-shdc -i cube-sapp.glsl -o cube-sapp.glsl.h -l glsl330
> cl cube-sapp.c ..\libs\sokol\sokol.c /DSOKOL_GLCORE33 /I..\..\sokol /I..\libs kernel32.lib user32.lib gdi32.lib

Building manually on Linux with gcc

On Linux you need the "usual" development-packages for OpenGL development, and for the GLFW samples, also the GLFW development package (on Ubuntu it's called libglfw3-dev).

To build one of the GLFW samples on Linux:

> cd sokol-samples/glfw
> cc cube-glfw.c flextgl/flextGL.c -o cube-glfw -I../../sokol -lGL -ldl -lm -lglfw3

To build one of the sokol-app samples on Linux:

> cd sokol-samples/sapp
> ../../sokol-tools-bin/bin/linux/sokol-shdc -i cube-sapp.glsl -o cube-sapp.glsl.h -l glsl330
> cc cube-sapp.c ../libs/sokol/sokol.c -o cube-sapp -DSOKOL_GLCORE33 -I../../sokol -I../libs -lGL -ldl -lm -lpthread -lX11 -lasound

Many Thanks to:



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  • C 63.2%
  • C++ 21.5%
  • PHP 13.1%
  • Objective-C 1.1%
  • GLSL 0.5%
  • CMake 0.2%
  • Other 0.4%