Technology Assessment for:
- DI
- Unit Test
Description Build a simple app to hit the NY Times Most Popular Articles API and show a list of articles, that shows details when items on the list are tapped (a typical master/detail app). We'll be using the most viewed section of this API.{section}/{period}.json?apikey=s ample-key To test this API, you can use all-sections for the section path component in the URL above and 7 for period (available period values are 1, 7 and 30, which represents how far back, in days, the API returns results for). sections/7.json?apikey=sample-key
Steps to Build/Run Code: -Clone the repo and change the build config as below: - Android gradle plugin version: 7.2.1 - Gradle Verson: 7.3.3 - Compile SDK Version: 32 -Clean the project & build
Run Test Case: Right click on the "unitTest" section and clikc on Run Tests in 'NYArticles...' as below:
After running the test, we can see below html report at app>build>reports>testDebugUnitTest>index.html
We can use "Run Tests in 'NYArticles...' with Coverage also to see coverage report.
We can other plugins also to have code converage report for tests.
Screenshots of the Build: