This is a Next.js project bootstrapped with create-next-app
created by Michaela Isaacs and advised by Jason Kleinberg. This project was made for the University of Florida WiCSE Shadowing Program, specifically their partnership with Infotech.
A daily journaling application which automatically tracks your mood for you using natural language processing. Mobile-friendly with secure user authentication.
Want to see what it's all about? Please see the presentation here, which includes a demo at the end!
In the root project directory:
npm install
echo DB_USER = [username] > .env.local
echo DB_PASS = [password] >> .env.local
echo DB_NAME = [database name] >> .env.local
echo JWT_SECRET = [secret key] >> .env.local
where [username], [password], and [database name] are for your own personal MongoDB Atlas database, which has "users" and "journal_entries" collections, and [secret key] is any phrase to use for JWT encryption.
Run the development server:
npm run dev
Open http://localhost:3000 to see the result.
Relevant pages: /auth, /