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Panning is done by holding right-click and moving the mouse and can be disabled by setting the DisablePanning dependency property to true.

Note: It can be programmatically changed by setting the ViewportLocation dependency property.

While panning, the IsPanning dependency property will be set to true and the ViewportSize, ViewportLocation and ViewportTransform dependency properties will be updated.

Automatic panning is also enabled by default and can be disabled by setting the DisableAutoPanning dependency property to true. The behavior is to pan the viewport when selecting or dragging a selection or a pending connection near the edges of the viewport.

The auto panning speed can be changed using the AutoPanSpeed dependency property and the distance from the edge to trigger the panning can be changed using the AutoPanEdgeDistance dependency property.

Panning can also be used in combination with selecting and zooming while auto panning can be used with both selecting and zooming and also with dragging a selection or a pending connection.

Default values:

  • DisablePanning: false
  • DisableAutoPanning: false
  • AutoPanSpeed: 10 pixels per tick
  • AutoPanEdgeDistance: 15 pixels
  • AutoPanningTickRate: 1 millisecond


Zooming is done by using the mouse wheel or by pressing CTRL + to zoom in or CTRL - to zoom out and can be disabled by setting the DisableZooming dependency property to true.

Note: It can be programmatically changed by setting the ViewportZoom dependency property to a value between MinViewportZoom and MaxViewportZoom.

While zooming, the ViewportLocation, ViewportSize and ViewportTransform dependency properties will be updated.

Zooming can also be used in combination with panning, dragging a selection, or a pending connection.

Default values:

  • ViewportZoom: 1
  • MinViewportZoom: 0.1
  • MaxViewportZoom: 2


Wrap the NodifyEditor inside a ScrollViewer to enable scrolling:

<ScrollViewer CanContentScroll="True">
    <nodify:NodifyEditor ... />

The scroll sensitivity can be adjusted by setting the ScrollIncrement static field.

Default values:

  • ScrollIncrement: Mouse.MouseWheelDeltaForOneLine / 2


Selecting items is done by holding the left mouse button and moving the mouse. When a selection operation is in progress, the IsSelecting dependency property is set to true and the SelectedArea dependency property is updated with each move.

Note: Selected items can also be set programmatically by binding a collection to the SelectedItems dependency property.

If real-time selection is enabled (EnableRealtimeSelection: true), the items will be selected and deselected while you resize the selection rectangle. Otherwise, the items contained in the SelectedArea will only be selected after the selection operation is finished.

When an ItemContainer is selected, its IsSelected dependency property is set to true.

Different behavior is used depending on the ModifierKeys held when starting a selection:

  • Replace - no modifier key (default behavior, clears the selected items and starts a new selection)
  • Append - shift key (adds selection to the currently selected items)
  • Remove - alt key (removes selection from the currently selected items)
  • Invert - control key (removes selected items and adds unselected items)

Selecting items can also be used in combination with panning and zooming.

Default values:

  • EnableRealtimeSelection: true

Selection API

The following methods can be called on a NodifyEditor instance.

  • SelectAll
  • UnselectAll
  • SelectArea
  • InvertSelection
  • UnselectArea
  • SelectAllConnections
  • UnselectAllConnections


When a selection is moved the GridCellSize dependency property will be used to determine where to snap the selected items. The snapping is relative to the position of the selected item and not the virtual grid.

If the selected items are not snapped to the grid when they are initially created or if the GridCellSize is changed at runtime, the final position will be corrected after moving the selection if the EnableSnappingCorrection dependency property is true.

Default values:

  • GridCellSize: 1
  • EnableSnappingCorrection: true

Pushing Items

The Pushing Items feature allows users to interactively move items within the editor by performing a drag gesture.

To initiate the push operation, hold CTRL+SHIFT and click with the Left Mouse Button. During the push items operation, the IsPushingItems dependency property is set to true, the PushOrientation dependency property is initialized with the direction the user is dragging, and the PushedArea dependency property updates in real time to reflect the interaction state.

To cancel the push operation, press the Escape key or release CTRL+SHIFT and click the Right Mouse Button. You can configure the default keybindings by modifying the EditorGestures.Editor.PushItems gesture. To prevent cancellation, set NodifyEditor.AllowPushItemsCancellation to false.

The visual appearance of the push area can be customized by setting the PushedAreaStyle property.


The following RoutedUICommands are found in the EditorCommands class:

  • ZoomIn - CTRL + (zoom in relative to the viewport's center)
  • ZoomOut - CTRL - (zoom out relative to the viewport's center)
  • SelectAll - CTRL A (select all items)
  • BringIntoView - Moves the viewport to the specified location, defaults to [0,0]. (CommandParameter is the location of type Point or string)
  • Align - Aligns the selected items using the specified alignment method, defaults to Top. (CommandParameter is of type Alignment or string. Possible alignment: Top, Left, Bottom, Right, Middle, Center)
  • FitToScreen - Scales and moves the Viewport to display as many items as possible

Editor API

You can programmatically call the corresponding methods of these commands on an instance of a NodifyEditor.

  • FitToScreen
  • BringIntoView
  • ZoomAtPosition
  • ZoomIn
  • ZoomOut