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Cominnek "Go"

Create commits & pull requests easily. Cominnek is based on TAYO by Minnek.




  1. Download installer

Macos Windows Linux

  1. Run installer (See MAC Os steps)

  2. Now you can run

cominnek -v

How to install on WSL

Next we will see how to install cominnek in WSL 2 and the necessary packages for authentication.

Install Comminek

  1. Open the terminal.
  2. Download Package
  1. Install package cominnek.deb
sudo dpkg -i ./cominnek-4.0.0.deb
  1. Verify Installation
cominnek -v

Install dependencies for auth.

If you have problem with xdg-open follow this steps

  1. Install xdg-utils
sudo apt-get install xdg-utils
  1. Add repository of wsl utils
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:wslutilities/wslu
  1. Update
sudo apt update
  1. Install wsl utils
sudo apt install wslu

How to install on Mac

After mounting the installer maybe you would have some issues at the moment to run the installer on Mac since OS blocks the installer app. So you will need to run the manually.

Install manually

  1. Open the terminal.

  2. Move into Volumes directory.

$ cd  /Volumes/cominnek-$version/
  1. Run the bash installer
$ sudo bash


You can get the latest version of cominnek by running the following command:

cominnek update

First steps:

Login into your GitHub account

cominnek auth login

Then you can test the connection with the:

cominnek auth test


  • Init: Initialize cominnek.
  • Update version: Create and push a commit with the correct template for conventional commits.
  • Push: Commit and push the branch to GitHub.
  • Publish: Commit, push and create the pull request as a draft to develop in GitHub.
  • Commit: Commit the changes to the branch.
  • Branch: Create a new branch.
  • Stash: Stash changes from one branch to another one.
  • PR: Create a Pull Request as a draft to develop in GitHub.
  • Merge: Merge the branch into the received branch.
  • Reset: Reset the branch to the selected commit.
  • Release: Release a new version. (⚠️ Experimental)
  • Update: Update the cominnek version.
  • Config: Configure the cominnek.
    • PR: Configure the pull request template.
  • Auth: Configure the GitHub authentication.
    • Login: Login into your GitHub account.
    • Test: Test the connection with GitHub.
    • Logout: Logout from your GitHub account.


Initialize cominnek.

cominnek init

This will create a .minnekrc.json file in the root of your project.

Update version

Create and push a commit with the correct template for conventional commits.

cominnek update-version <version>

the commit will be: build: update version to <version>

flag type description
<version> String The version to update


Commit and push the branch to GitHub

cominnek push -m "do some modifications" --fix "home"

the commit will be: fix(home):{Ticket} do some modifications

{Ticket} is the ticket number See more information in the Ticketing system

flag type description
-m --message string[] Receives the commit message & body message
-M --merge string Receives a Branch to merge after end the push
-F --feat string make the commit with the prefix feat()
-f --fix string make the commit with the prefix fix()
-d --docs string make the commit with the prefix docs()
--style string make the commit with the prefix style()
-r --refactor string make the commit with the prefix refactor()
--perf string make the commit with the prefix perf()
--test string make the commit with the prefix test()
-b --build string make the commit with the prefix build()
--ci string make the commit with the prefix ci()
--chore string make the commit with the prefix chore()
--revert string make the commit with the prefix revert()
--skip-commit string Skip the commit and only push the branch

* required


Commit, push and create the pull request as a draft to develop in GitHub. the commit will be: feat(home):{Ticket} do some modifications

The usage is the same as push just with the difference that this creates a pull request.

cominnek publish -m "do some modifications" --fix "home"


Will commit the changes to the branch.

cominnek commit -m "do some modifications" --fix "home"

the commit will be: feat(home):{Ticket} do some modifications

{Ticket} is the ticket number See more information in the Ticketing system

flag type description
-m --message string[] Receives the commit message & body message
-a --all boolean Add all files to the commit
-F --feat string make the commit with the prefix feat()
-f --fix string make the commit with the prefix fix()
-d --docs string make the commit with the prefix docs()
--style string make the commit with the prefix style()
-r --refactor string make the commit with the prefix refactor()
--perf string make the commit with the prefix perf()
--test string make the commit with the prefix test()
-b --build string make the commit with the prefix build()
--ci string make the commit with the prefix ci()
--chore string make the commit with the prefix chore()
--revert string make the commit with the prefix revert()

* required


Create a new branch with the prefix feature/, bugfix/, hotfix/ or release/ and the name of the branch will be the ticket number.

We are following a Git-Flow variant called TAYO by Minnek

cominnek branch feature "<Ticket>"

This the equivalent of: git branch feature/{Ticket}

Command description
feature create a new feature branch from develop
bugfix create a new bugfix branch from develop
hotfix create a new hotfix branch from master
release create a new release branch from develop
support create a new support branch from master
test create a new test branch from develop
sync create a new sync branch from develop
Flag type description
<Ticket> string* ticket number
-s --stash boolean take the changes in the current branch and apply it to the new feature's branch

* required


Stash all the changes in the current branch and apply the changes to another branch.

cominnek stash "<Branch>"
flag type description
<Branch> string* branch name


Create a pull request as a draft directly to develop

cominnek pr

The flag --ticket is optional. If it's not provided this will take the ticket number from the current branch.

flag type default description
-t --ticket string take by branch name of the feature that's will be applied the change
-b --base string develop base branch of the pull request.

In a case of a release branch, it will create a pull request to master and develop.


Merge the current branch into the received one. This will help you save time when you are working on a feature branch and you want to merge, for example, the feature branch into the test branch.

cominnek merge "<branch>"
flag type description
<branch> string* name of the branch that's will be applied the changes

* required


Reset the current branch to the selected commit. By default, it will reset to the last commit.

cominnek reset

This the equivalent of: git reset --soft HEAD~1

flag type description
-c --commit string commit hash
-y --confirm boolean confirm the reset
--hard boolean Reset HEAD, index and working tree
--soft boolean Reset only HEAD
--mixed boolean Reset HEAD and index
--keep boolean Reset HEAD, index and working tree
--merge boolean Reset HEAD, index and working tree
-n -number number number of commits to reset

Release (Experimental)

⚠️ This is an experimental feature. You can report any issue here

Release a new version using semantic versioning

cominnek release


Update the Cominnek version.

cominnek update


Configure the cominnek.

cominnek config -h


This command will help you to modify the pull request template.

cominnek config pr -b path/to/
Flag type description
-b --body string* path to the template file

* required

Template file Example:

In some cases, you will want to set some dynamic values, for example, ticket number.

Key description
${ticket} Ticket number
${branch} Head branch name
# Example

- Ticket: ${ticket}
- Branch: ${branch}


This command will help you to set the GitHub token.

cominnek auth -h


This command will help you to set the GitHub token.

cominnek auth login


This command will help you to test the GitHub token.

cominnek auth test


This command will help you to remove the GitHub token.

cominnek auth logout

Examples and more

You can add a body to commit using the --message flag twice.

cominnek push -m "Changes in home page" -f "home" -m "the title was aligned to right"

This is the same as git commit -m "fix(home):{Ticket} Changes in home page" -m "the title was aligned to right"

{Ticket} is the ticket number See more information in the Ticketing system

To do a commit without a scope, use the flag and on windows, you should use it with a space.

Mac Os and Linux:

cominnek push -m "theme setup" -b


cominnek push -m "theme setup" -b " "

the commit will be: build: theme setup

Move your changes to a new feature branch

cominnek feature "<Ticket>" -s

Ticketing system

This takes the ticket number from the branch name. This is important to create the pull request with the correct ticket number.


You are in the branch feature/MJ-11

The ticker number will be MJ-11

If you execute the command:

cominnek push -m "Changes on homepage" -F "home"

the commit will be: feat(home): MJ-11 Changes on the homepage

What about if I am not in a feature branch?

This going to let you know that you are not in a feature branch and you will accept the commit without a ticket number.

Example: You're in the branch develop

$ cominnek push -m "Changes in home page" -F "home"
  This is not a feature. Do you want to continue? (yes or no)
        Commit message: "feat(home): Changes in home page"


If you want to contribute to this project, please read the contributing guide

Cominnek V4.0.0

With ❤ by isaacismaelx14


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