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MoJ Official Shared Services Infrastructure

This creates the shared infrastructure for the main account, named Shared Services. This account is used to host AWS CodePipeline CI/CD pipelines, for new CI/CD use GitHub Actions as per ADR 011.

For the code that creates infrastructure for each environment please see this repository, as an example.

This repository holds the Terraform code to create a CodeBuild / CodePipeline service in AWS.

Applying the terraform

You will require Docker

To apply the Terraform in this project using AWS Vault to authenticate:

  1. Prepare your working directory for Terraform
make init
  1. Check the changes in with a plan
 make plan
  1. Apply the changes
make apply

To view all the available target commands in the Makefile just type


How to use this repo

The source code in this repository is provided only as a reference.

Please consult with someone on the Cloud Ops team before you use this repository to have a pipeline set up for your own project.

The pipeline you set will be integrated with a GitHub repository, and will build your project according to your buildspec files.

This repository upon execution will create a couple of s3 buckets and a DynamoDB table. So, if your project uses Terraform, make sure that the backend for that Terraform is configured to use the newly created s3 bucket and the DynamoDB table.

Depending on your build process, you may require 3 files to do linting, testing and deployment.


If you are doing static code analysis as part of your build, please create a buildspec.lint.yml file, and place it in the root of your project.


version: 0.2

      - make lint


To run automated tests, create a buildspec.test.yml file, and place it in the root of your project.


version: 0.2

      - make test


For deployments, create a buildspec.yml file.


version: 0.2

    key: "value"
    key: "value"

      - pip install boto3
      - wget
      - unzip
      - mv terraform /bin
      - terraform init
      - terraform apply --auto-approve

To create your own Pipeline

To have a Pipeline for your own project with AWS CodePipeline / CodeBuild, you can execute the Terraform in this repository.

Re-use the module ./modules/ci-pipeline in the file to setup your own Pipeline.

Run Terraform

make apply

Secrets management

We use SSM Parameter store for all secrets.

These secrets are decrypted at build time on CI to inject into Terraform.

To add or update a secret:

make shell

aws ssm put-parameter --name "/your/top/secret/name" \
  --key-id "kms key ID to encrypt with" \
  --description "Secret description" \
  --type SecureString \
  --value "tops3cr3t" \

Pipeline flags

2 flags exist for pipelines and can be turned on or off when invoking the pipeline module.


This option adds a stage to the pipeline where manual confirmation is required before deploying to production.


This option adds stage where changes to infrastructure can be inspected before applying. Typically used in combination with the manual_production_deploy. This will set an environment variable on the stage of PLAN="true". Buildspec files can be modified to look for the existence of this variable to do either a terraform plan or terraform apply.

CI CD with GitHub Actions

We have the following repository which we use for shared Actions.

Following table displays all the repositories nvvs-devops-admins GithUb team have access to

Owner REPO NAME AWS/Github Description
operations-engineering aws-root-account Github Terraform for the Ministry of Justice AWS root account
Gary H aws-ta-testing Delete? Terraform for testing
nvvs-devops-admins aws-trusted-advisor-to-github-issues Github Automates creation of GitHub Issues from AWS Trusted Advisor checks
nvvs-devops-admins cloud-operations-slack-bot Github Official Slack bot app for Cloud Operations team Slack channel
nvvs-devops-admins deployment-tgw Manual?
nvvs-devops-admins mojo-aws-github-oidc-provider Manual? To manage GitHub AWS OpenID Connector provider on MoJO AWS Shared Services account.
nvvs-devops-admins network-access-control-admin AWS CodePipeline Self service admin portal for the Network Access Control Service
nvvs-devops-admins network-access-control-disaster-recovery Manual? Rollback scripts for S3 configuration and ECR containers
nvvs-devops-admins network-access-control-infrastructure AWS CodePipeline Terraform infrastructure for the 802.1x Network Access Control Service
nvvs-devops-admins network-access-control-integration-tests Manual? Integration tests for the Network Access Control Service
nvvs-devops-admins network-access-control-server AWS CodePipeline FreeRadius server for the 802.1x Network Access Control Service
nvvs-devops-admins nvvs-devops Github Documentation for the NVVS DevOps Team
nvvs-devops-admins nvvs-devops-github-actions Github Used for Workflow GitHub actions from other repositories
nvvs-devops-admins nvvs-devops-monitor Github Terraform to create new VPC and EKS Cluster for the MoJO IMA
nvvs-devops-admins PaloAlto-pipelines Manual ?? Terraform configuration to manage AWS CodePipelines
nvvs-devops-admins provision-ubuntu2004-on-wsl2 Manual (y) Automating provisoning ubuntu 20.04 with Ansible on WSL 2
nvvs-devops-admins staff-device-dhcp-server AWS CodePipeline The ISC KEA server for serving DHCP requests (via a Docker image)
nvvs-devops-admins staff-device-dns-dhcp-admin AWS CodePipeline Web frontend for managing Staff Device DNS / DHCP servers
nvvs-devops-admins staff-device-dns-dhcp-disaster-recovery Manual ? Disaster recovery script for DNS and DHCP services.
nvvs-devops-admins staff-device-dns-dhcp-infrastructure AWS CodePipeline Staff Device DHCP and DNS Terraform infrastructure
nvvs-devops-admins staff-device-dns-server AWS CodePipeline Staff Device DNS Server repository
nvvs-devops-admins staff-device-logging-dns-dhcp-integration-tests Manual (y) Remote full stack integration tests currently run from Corsham test site. Services being
nvvs-devops-admins staff-device-management-intune-scripts ?? Scripts that are deployed to run on MoJ OFFICIAL devices managed through Microsoft Intune
nvvs-devops-admins staff-device-private-dns-zone Github This repository contains the Terraform code to create and maintain private DNS zones in AWS Route 53.
nvvs-devops-admins staff-device-shared-services-infrastructure Manual Staff Device AWS Infrastructure for build pipelines
nvvs-devops-admins staff-infrastructure-admin-sso Not Applicable Terraform management of AzureAD Users and Groups for staff management services
nvvs-devops-admins staff-infrastructure-certificate-services Github Infrastructure to support Public Key Infrastructure for devices users and applications
nvvs-devops-admins staff-infrastructure-metric-aggregation-server Github This repository is for building our custom prometheus docker image with all the required config to pull data from our collectors
nvvs-devops-admins staff-infrastructure-metric-aggregator-cloud Not Applicable Prometheus server for AWS Cloudwatch and Azure Monitor Exporters
nvvs-devops-admins staff-infrastructure-monitoring-app-reachability Github Lightweight all-in-one docker image for monitoring http endpoints and shipping metrics back to a central prometheus over the internet.
nvvs-devops-admins staff-infrastructure-monitoring-blackbox-exporter Manual ?? This project is part of the Infrastructure Monitoring and Alerting (IMA) Platform. It holds the Docker image for pulling data from the Physical Devices.
nvvs-devops-admins staff-infrastructure-monitoring-dns-reachability Manual ?? To monitor MoJ Official DNS
nvvs-devops-admins staff-infrastructure-monitoring-snmpexporter Manual ?? This is an exporter that exposes information gathered from SNMP to be scraped by Prometheus.
nvvs-devops-admins staff-infrastructure-network-operations Manual ?? Repository for Network Operations Centre tooling
nvvs-devops-admins staff-infrastructure-network-services AWS CodePipeline This repository deploys the underlying base infrastructure for several network based services for staff devices and applications in a single VPC in AWS.
nvvs-devops-admins staff-infrastructure-smtp-relay-server AWS CodePipeline This repository builds the docker image for the SMTP Relay server and pushes it to the Shared Services Elastic Container Repository
nvvs-devops-admins staff-technology-services-github-teams Github To define and maintain some GitHub teams for Technology Services in Code using Terraform.
nvvs-devops-admins tech-docs-monitor Github Part of alphagov/tech-docs-template (issues 👉
nvvs-devops-admins terraform-panorama-config Manual ??
nvvs-devops-admins transit-gateways Manual ??