I'm an IT student who loves linux and programming.
- ajayyy's SponsorBlock, an extension for blocking sponsors & other unwanted segments from youtube videos. I often do debugging & bugfixes, sometimes I add a nice feature.
- DeArrow Browser, an explorer for the DeArrow database as a single-page web application. Inspired by Lartza's SBbrowser.
- mini_bomba utils, a collection of CLI utility scripts
- my userscripts, some useful, some just for fun™
- InstalingPy, an API binding library and automation framework for instaling.pl
- github-webhook-proxy, a webworker proxy for adding extra data to GitHub webhook embeds on Discord
- StreamChatMod, a modification for Minecraft (currently forge 1.8.9, fabric 1.16.5+ soon™) that adds any Twitch chat into the minecraft chat for easy access
- EndermanBot (👀 closed-source 👀), a bot for Discord
- Create/Update Github Release, a GitHub Action made for StreamChatMod (but you can use it too) that can manage a rolling
prerelease BarszczSosnowskiMod, a mod for minecraft that adds the Barszcz Sosnowski™this project wasn't really taken seriously
- Rust
- Grafana
- Python
- JavaScript (no frameworks)
- Docker/Podman
- Linux (👀 from the user/sysadmin side, not developing the kernel 👀)
- MySQL/MariaDB
- discord.py
- Lua/Luau/Roblox Lua
- On Discord directly: mini_bomba (though I will most likely deny your friend request)
- On Discord via a server
- On Matrix: @mini_bomba:matrix.org
- maybe i'll set up an email address on my server soon™? (will probably never happen)